To Tie or to Not to Necktie?

Jun 05, 2008 09:53

KHK-No Tie
Originally uploaded by lvmybehrs
I couldn’t do the necktie today! Is it unprofessional to wear a suit, no tie, with shirt buttons undone. Do I look 70’s?

I am tired and I am cranky and all I want to do is to sit outside at a restaurant, read, and order cocktail after cocktail, until I am happy and horny. What’s more trying today is there is a luncheon for the bosslady. Do I go? Do I play the political game and go? I feel so hypocritical by going…there is too much bad blood between the two and quite frankly I don’t respect her on a professional or personal level. Isn’t the annual Christmas gift I buy her enough? And worst yet, the staff and co-workers that will be attending work my last nerve. Am I required to go merely because I report to her?

Tonight is my last final! Yay! As soon as I am out of there, I will be indulging in an adult beverage! I am as prepared as I am gonna be…oh, and I have decided, I will be taking the summer off from school. I need a break…I over did it with three classes and I need to get back to a better mind, body, and spirit in the next coming weeks.

So I saw SATC last night with the 29 year-old. We first went to a restaurant and of course we had a Cosmo and some appetizers, followed by a Pomegranate Martini and finished up with a Manhattan. The women in the theatre were rude, with their cheers and jeers. I kicked ones seat in front of me and kindly of course asked if she could shut the fuck up, she was talking to loud. I think I scared her straight bf. Being tall and a bit robust can be intimidating. ;-) Anyhow, my take on the movie: I laughed, I ooh and awed with my hand to my chest, I cried, I laughed, I snarled, I laughed, I cried, I said out-loud “Aww” and cried some more, and than I was disgusted. Yep, that sums it up for me.

Oh, and later at the 29 year-olds apartment, I ended up “ooh”ing again after some fun playtime and seeing some more of him. So to say the least, I know I will be seeing him again. ;-)

Have a great Thursday.

That’s all folks!
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