lets see shall we,
not only am i sick, but not only am i tired too, i am devistated, and hurt in many ways that no one would think could happen but do...... my boo bear, and i were on the verge of breaking up, then come to find out the he is talkin to katie about how he loves her, then tellin me that he doesnt love her but only said that he did just to keep her close so incase we break up he'd have her, and wouldnt even try to get back with me. Not to mention the livejournal that they both started, and wrote to eachother back and forth about this. tho i can say katie must love me alot to stop that, because she doesnt want to loose me as a friend. and i dont want to loose her as a friend too. i love her to death. then he is talkin to this other chik brandi, and honeslty i can say that i kinda over reacted but when you see "mwah" and you know that it only is between you and that one person and someone else is using it kinda pisses me off, not to mention the fact that it makes you question on if somthin is really happening. but im good with it now because he isnt allowed to talk to her anymore. thank god. so that puts one issue out of the way, well actually two, but then there is another problem/ issue that i would have never guested would happen. Blake....... i love him to death as a friend, and wouldnt change it for anything, but what i found out kinda sickens me, and disgustes me, but then also horrorfieds me as well, well first to come off with what teddy told me last night, well he finally came out of the box and said that he was bi. and for that i have no problem. its how he feels and cant help that, and i approve and am behind him 100 percent but the whole thing with blake its kinda weird and scary, in a sort, the fact of him goin to my boyfriends house at 3:30am and not leaving till 5:00 and then even then not leaveing when asked is not right, not only that but wanting to give him head and for teddy to fuck him in the ass, isnt right either. it just isnt right, and then not wanting me to know about it and not feelin guilty because he's my boyfriend isnt right either, at all, and then he claims to be my bestfriend, that isnt right, Best friends dont do that, and then tell someone that they dont love someone they do . ...... and this whole thing is bull shit, and petty, and very very immature. when you really come to look at it. i love teddy and everyone knows that and he loves me and that wont change,..... but yea welll imma go im tired and need some rest. talk to you later, byes