*insert something clever here*

Aug 20, 2008 15:00

I have thought about posting a zillion different things here over the last week and somehow never actually posted any of them.

Here's a minirecap of the things I could remember:

Lots of movie release date craziness. I really don't have a problem with the moves, but really, WB? Eight months? I mean, it's Harry freakin' Potter. Is there a time of year you could release it and it _wouldn't_ make billions of dollars?
I guess they're worried people won't be as excited about the movies now that the books are finished. And they don't want to mess up the good thing they have going with The Dark Knight. Ah, well, at least this way we won't have a two and a half year gap between movies Six and Seven Part One.

I love how fast the folks at Summit jumped on HP's now former release date. Kind of messed up my plans though - now I'll still be in school. Is three weeks earlier really that much better? People go see movies around Christmas. The theater is always packed at Christmas.

I have become addicted to this game on facebook. (I think you have to have an account to play.)  I'm not especially good at it. The main problem is my typing speed. I can type fairly rapidly if I'm just writing comments or something, but when I consciously try to type faster my letters get very jumbled. Bah.

One can overhear many amusing conversations on college campuses. That's true of anywhere there are a lot of people, but college seems to be a breeding ground for really entertaining snippets.

I am reading The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger (thanks, Ashton!). It's good but strange. Time travel books can always get a little hairy, anachronisms and such.

Speaking of strange, Sororities are truly bizarre. I'm not it one- not my thing, and I don't think they'd want me anyway. But I've seen them doing various things (They chant - one emits this really high pitched squeal as their standard cheer. Of all the things they could do. Who voted for that?)  around campus and one of my friends is in one. She was telling us about the process they go through to select new members it sounded kind of cruel to me, especially if they don't like you. I would not voluntarily put myself through that.
Sororities can be very helpful though. My cousin was a Alpha Gamma and they helped her get several jobs.
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