(no subject)

Dec 25, 2007 08:23

Title: Connect-The-Dots
Fandom: RPS
Pairing: Michael/Jensen
Word Count: ~270
Rating: NC-17 to be safe
Summary: There were a few things that Michael knew a lot about.
Warnings: Schmoop, sex
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Gosh, if I owned them. Siigh. Nah, they own themselves.
A/N: Written for my pez_gurl for Christmas. She gave me the prompt of Mike/Jen, "Freckles," and I hope this is suitable. I love you, sweetie, sooo so so so so much. More'n life. But you knew that already. *hugs tight* Merry Christmas.

There were a few things that Michael knew a lot about. He wasn't bad at interior decorating, though he was no professional. He liked to think he was an animal in the sack. He loved B movies of all sorts, and he certainly wouldn't say no to a good book. Plus, you know, there was the whole acting thing.

His favorite subject, of course, was connect the dots. And his favorite canvas was Jensen's back.

At first, Jensen hadn't let Michael take the marker to his back, so Michael had to do it while he was asleep. The shout from the bathroom the next morning was hilarious, as was Jensen's lined face glaring at him in the mirror a few moments later.

But the next night, Jensen handed Michael a box of crayons when he walked in. And Michael grinned.

He learned a lot that night. Jensen had a star on his left ass cheek, and a M on the right. There was a Christmas tree on his shoulder, and stick figure on his hip. Michael even managed to find a pig with a curly tail on Jensen's lower back while Michael was fucking him.

Later, when Michael and Jensen were close to passing out, Michael mumbled an apology into Jensen's blue shoulder. Jensen snorted.


Michael shrugged. "Don't have a Christmas gift for you."

Jensen smiled, nuzzling him. "I have everything I want."

Michael blinked. Then he smiled.


He watched as Jensen fell asleep, smiling. He resolved that he'd find out more about Jensen's freckles, whether Jensen let him or not.

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