(no subject)

Nov 29, 2007 18:34

Title: Wasted in the Afternoon
Chapter: 3
Fandom: RPS
Pairings: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles, Tom Welling/Michael Rosenbaum, mention of Jensen Ackles/Christian Kane and Jared Padalecki/Chad Michael Murray
Word Count: 1377
Rating this chapter: R
Rating overall: probably NC-17
Summary: Jared is banished to a Catholic school when his parents find out he likes boys.
Warnings: Slash, language, mild drug use, nearly excessive CW-and-non-CW actor usage
Genre: AU, angst, romance
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the character mentioned within. If I did? The world would be a very different place.
A/N: Yay, chapter 3 is up! :) Dedicated to my amazing pez_gurl, who had something absolutely unfair happen to her even though she deserves the world. Bah. Anyhoo, this is longish, so it should be okay. Enjoy!

Jared pulled up in the large, curving driveway of Tommy's house in his beat up '84 Mustang, biting his lip. Wow. Obviously they had to have some money to afford that fancy private school, but seriously. Wow. The house was bigger than any that Jared had ever seen. He shut the engine off and got out, biting his lip, then went to the door and knocked before he could talk himself out of it.

A moment passed, and then the door was opened by an attractive woman with curly black hair streaked with grey. "You must be Jared! Come in, darling." Jared nodded, walking in and looking around. It was nice inside, tasteful, and Jared could see Tom's personality in almost everything around him. He smiled a little.

"You have a beautiful home, Mrs. Welling."

She laughed softly. "Call me Judy, darling. I'm not Mrs. Welling anymore."

Jared blushed a bit. "Okay...um, Judy."

"Tom's in the basement with Michael. I'd knock before going down there." She winked, and Jared blushed.

"Um...aren't you Catholic?"

She snorted. "God, no. Tom's going to St. Mary's because it'll help him get into an Ivy League school."

Jared blinked, then nodded a little. "Okay..." She led him to a door and winked.

"Thomas! Your friend is here."

There was a banging sound, then a soft giggle. "Okay!" Tom called from downstairs, his voice slightly hoarse. Jared's cheeks were bright red, he was sure of it, but Judy pushed him toward the door, and he walked downstairs.

The basement was completely finished, with a large television on the wall, a piano in one corner, a kitchenette in another, and a futon, which Tom was frantically trying to get back into the couch position. The air had the faint, several-day-old smell of weed, and a slightly more recent smell of sex. Mike was leaning against the corner, grinning, his jeans zipped up but unbuttoned and his hoodie unzipped to reveal a pale, bare chest underneath. Tom was bright red and shirtless, digging through the pile of clothes in the corner. "I'm so sorry, Jared, I completely lost track of time..."

Jared tried not to smile. "Yeah, I noticed. It's okay."

Tom let out a breath, unable to find a clean shirt and giving up on trying. "Okay...okay. Sorry." He glanced at Mike, smiled slightly, then went to the piano. Jared followed him, sitting on a chair next to him, and Mike went to the kitchenette to grab a bag of chips. "I figure we can practice for a while until you've gotten it, and then we can just hang out," Tommy said. "When do you need to be home?"

Jared shrugged. "Like...10. 11. As long as I'm not out fucking guys, my parents could give a damn."

Tommy laughed softly, pushing the key cover up and playing a quick scale to check how tuned the piano was. "Not that they'd know."

"Dude, I told them I was studying with a friend from my new school. I'm pretty sure I'm safe."

Mike snorted. "Unless they smell the weed on you."

Tom shook his head. "You'll be fine. Sing me a scale."

They practiced for around an hour, and Jared was feeling extremely confident about himself when Jensen came walking down the basement stairs. "Hey, guys..."

Tom grinned, and if Jared didn't know better he would've said it was wicked. "Jen! Welcome. You remember Jared."

Jensen looked at Jared for a moment, then grabbed Mike's arm and dragged him into the the laundry room. Jared blinked and looked at Tommy. "What's that all about?"

Tommy sighed, shaking his head. "Jen's weird about meeting new people. He doesn't take to them as fast as I do, or as Mikey does."

Jared nodded, looking at the door, then sighed. "Tell me you've got more weed."


Jensen glared at Mike. "What the fuck are you two trying to do?"

"Tommy's teachin' the kid to sing, or some shit."

"Goddamnit, Mike, I'm not an idiot. I told you to leave it alone."

Mike sighed, narrowing his own eyes. "You think the kid's hot."

"Well, of course, but-"

"And he's smart and nice, and he has a good sense of humor."

"Well, I guess, but-"

"So? Jesus, Jensen, at least be his friend. We're not exactly asking you to marry him."

Jensen glared at him and pushed him back. "You can't fucking force me."

"He's cool, Jensen. Try." Mike started to push past him.

"What about Tommy?" Jensen asked loudly, and Mike stopped.

"What about him?"

"Still just friends with him?"

Mike sighed. "Yeah, I am."

Jensen shook his head. "Those benefits won't be enough for him for long, you know."

Mike shook his head. "Whatever." He pushed past and walked back into the main room, and Jensen followed him.

Tommy stared at the joint he was rolling, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. Jared was staring at the door, and when they walked out, he looked at the television quickly.

"Sweet," Mike said softly, "doobage." He sat next to Tom, whose cheeks reddened further.

"You're not out of that yet?" Jensen asked. "Surprised, considering Mike's here all the time." Mike flipped him off, and Jared smiled a little. Jensen glanced at Jared and smiled too, then looked at the television quickly.

"Turn it to porn, dude," Mike said. Tom sighed a little and fumbled for the remote. Jared blushed a little when the television suddenly showed a burly man getting sucked off in a locker room by a thin boy with blonde hair. Mike made a joyful sound. "This right here is a masterpiece of dirty films, Jared."

"Here we go," Jensen said, going to the kitchenette.

"It is!" Mike said. "That man is the boy's teacher. They're having a sordid love affair that the principal and the art teacher get in on."

"That is sordid," Jared said, grinning slightly.

"Oh, yeah." Mike took the blunt from Tom, who was being quiet and keeping his eyes on the table. "The scene with the art teacher will really speak to you. Y'know, between the spooging."

"You're gross," Jensen informed him, putting a tray of pizza bagels into the toaster oven.

"That's what they all say, Jenny baby."

Tom sighed a little, taking a drag of the joint that Mike held for him, then he curled up against him, burying his face in his neck. Mike smiled. "Tommy gets horny when he gets high." Tom smacked his arm, but didn't move away from him. Jared blushed a little, looking away and toward Jensen. Jensen was leaning against the little wall of the kitchenette, looking into the toaster oven. Jared bit his lip, watching him for a moment, until he smelled the burning joint under his nose. He jumped and looked over at Mike, who was holding it out for him. Mike mouthed, "sorry," and Jared nodded and took the joint, taking a drag.

They all smoked for a while, the only sounds coming from the television. Jared was starting to feel sleepy when the joint was finally done, and Tom had already fallen asleep curled up against Mike. Jared stared into space for a while, then jumped when a hand touched his shoulder. He looked up, and saw Jensen looking at him, biting his lip. "Can I...like, talk to you?"

Jared bit his lip and nodded, and followed Jensen upstairs, trying not to watch his ass.

"I'm sorry for the way I've been acting."

Jared studied him. "You are?"

Jensen nodded, biting his lip. "I just...I'm not really...good with people. I guess. But I would like to be friends..."

Jared raised an eyebrow. "You'd like to? Or Mike forced you?"

Jensen smiled a little. "You are smart. But no. I mean, Mike did force me, but that's not why I'm saying it."

"Then why are you saying it?"

Jensen bit his lip, looking down for a moment. "Because you're a nice guy. And smart, and funny. And...well...I guess I could use more friends."

Jared smiled. "Sounds good to me, man."

Jensen smiled back. "Good."

"Are they fucking yet?" Mike asked, his voice hoarse.

"Dude, shut up. Probably not." Tommy snuggled closer. "Now shut the fuck up and lemme sleep."

"Yes, dear."
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