
Mar 15, 2009 12:12

Once again I am confronted with the fact that I, as well as the rest of my family is aging. It just drives home how much it is important to enjoy life. How not to miss out on the moment at hand. To grab hold of that which you enjoy and makes you happy. I consider myself to be pretty much of a free spirit, and yes I know sometimes that can be risky, but it is me. I feel sorry for those that are so set in their ways, doing nothing, sitting stale, saving up for the day they die, no variation in life, living each week as planned as they were living a Stepford life. I see myself becoming more adventurous in years to come. Maybe that is because I am seeing how fast now that it slips away. Both my parents are now 78 years of age, and starting to have their various health problems. My siblings as well are having their own issues. It seems like a weekly report now from back home is now more news of individuals or things falling apart rather then good news. I so want people to view me as an open minded adventurous person enjoying life in all that is good and not illegal. Not sure what possesses people to need that which is illegal to enjoy life, rather then I feel that they have something in their life they are trying to hide from. Bringing about a false joy in place of hurt. LIfe is about respecting yourself first, and then allowing that respect to extend to those around you. This art is quite often lost, and I guess it is easy for me as a nurse to say. Well I am rambling yet once again, and need to soon get myself ready to go enjoy another sunday afternoon. Everyone, lighten up, enjoy life, loosen that which restrains you. PEACE OUT !!!
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