Feb 22, 2006 13:51
my hair is blonde again. not reddish/orangeish/brownish/blondish/strawberryish/with a few strigs of black. but blonde. honestly. truly. blonde.
my stomach is making extrememly weird noises. maybe it was the gallon of mash potatos i ate last night and washed down with jack & sour.
i must have sleepwalked last night and tripped over something because my left ankle feels sprained.
tonight is the last night i have to work before sunday. i am off thursday, friday and saturday; a rare occurance in this life.
the closer it gets the more i feel it.
im tired of being the girl on the side. i want to be someone's daisy. if you dont get that reference, read the great gatspy.
my hair is wet and frizzy. i must go dry and style before i crawl into work. mom and dad are coming in to eat today. im going to by a vase of flowers and a candle and have it on a table for them when they arrive. it is moms birthday.