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sunny_serenity October 16 2007, 03:00:50 UTC
*upside down !*Que triste! *lagrimas*


luxuria_oceanus October 16 2007, 04:32:40 UTC
You are made of adorableness, honestly *snorts* Weeeh! Smiley speaks Spanish! Me pregunto en realidad cuanto lo entiendes.


sunny_serenity October 17 2007, 23:05:08 UTC
Yo comprendo es poco. Es MUY POCO. 0_o


luxuria_oceanus October 18 2007, 08:45:12 UTC
LMAO I see that now! That answers my question then :D which I asked in Spanish.. I asked How much of it did you understand, not a literal translation though.


sunny_serenity October 18 2007, 19:51:53 UTC
Heh. When people speak it I can understand the gist of the convo, in print? That's another story. I suck at conjugating. I'd like to learn more tho... but GAH! NO TIME!!! *glares @ RL*


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