(no subject)

Apr 02, 2010 01:07

If you are trying to park and hit another car, don't just get back into yours and drive off. HINT: There might be someone in the car across from you writing down your license plate number. Stupid old biddy. This old woman today hit another customer's car as she parked, then drove off. A customer I had just helped was leaving and gave us her information.

Also, if you steal shit and then try to return it, don't get pissed off when we don't accept it. ESPECIALLY when you've stolen over $1000 worth of shit. You useless asshole fuck. Seriously, demanding the manager and bitching until you get your way, then being kicked out of the system because you've got too many returns without receipts? FAIL.

But total wins to the awesome customers of my day: man in plumbing who taught me about different kinds of valves, then helped another customer when I didn't know; the woman who called her friend whose dog she's petsitting to April Fool's her with a story about her dog eating a mouse and then vomiting all over the house; the man (who wrote down the license plate) who thanked me profusely for helping him return his bolts and find new ones; the woman from NYC who didn't remember me but who was very pleased that I remembered her.

I think the highlight of my night was having my boss pull up next to us at a redlight. By the time I noticed he was turning so it was too late to roll down the window and yell. Then, as our light turned green, I saw that he was turning into the McDonald's parking lot. I made Dallin pull in behind him into the drive-through, then jumped out, ran to my bosses open window, and yelled, "BOO!" Scared the shit out of him :) It made my night!
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