Mar 28, 2010 01:38
I played peek-a-boo with a small child at work today...he then became frightened and ran our of the garden gate into the driveway, where an SUV was coming. The mom yelled, the driver slammed on his brakes, and the child was fine (but even more scared). Then I had to explain that my peek-a-boo game was the reason the child had almost been hit by a car...but honestly! Why would a child's reaction to a game be to run into the road?! Who could have seen that coming?!
Then later I was chastised by our manager for taking a 20 minute break. Now, we get 15 minutes. From garden it takes about 2 each way to walk up to the break room, which I don't count as my break as I have my vest on and can/am stopped by customers. Apparently that 4 minutes *is* part of my break and I need to "watch it" from now on. Really? It's my break but I'm not allowed to rest on it? I have to wear my vest and help any customer that stops me, but that's my break? Gee, thank you kindly. And also, really? I'm standing out in garden in the cold and I don't get 4 extra minutes to warm up? Fuck you. Especially when my bosses and co-workers frequently take 20-30 minutes breaks and no one says shit.
A nun came into garden this evening. She was fairly rude. She talked on her cell-phone the whole time, gave me the price for the item (like it's supposed to help me identify which tiny brick it is), didn't look at me, didn't greet me, etc. I thought nuns were supposed to be nice and sweet, not grumpy and disgruntled. She was also wearing a black windbreaker over her habit, which I found interesting.
Dallin and I went to PF Chang's with Matt and Seanny tonight :) It was a blast. I love having intelligent, laid-back, liberal friends. Especially Jewish ones who want to restart Gonzaga's Jewish-Irish Caucus. I totally support it. What a great mix :) I also love hanging out with guys's so relaxed and raunchy. The significant number of Asian/mostly-Asian waiters at PF Chang's was quite amusing, as were the terrible puns. We also made s'mores, which was slightly disappointing as yard waste burns pretty fast, but still good times. Unfortunately, Matt is lameass who has to go study for law school. Psh.
OH AND OH MY GOD THERE WAS AN EXPLODED CAR AT WINCO. I shit you not. According to the cashier it had started as an electrical fire, then rapidly escalated. The hood was in the dash/front seats, the entire front was horribly charred and melted...and the back windshield said, "Wash me" in the dust. Oh, the irony. I shall post pictures soon.