Title: "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes"
luvvycat Characters: Jack Sparrow, Cutler Beckett
Rating: PG
Prompt(s): Eyes and Smoke
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: PotC is Disney's, not mine. *sniff*
Sore of body and sick of spirit, Jack watched the Wench burn. His shackles chafed, particularly the right one, fastened just below where the fresh brand throbbed painfully.
"This is what comes to those who defy me," Cutler Beckett's voice was a venomous serpent's hiss in his ear. "You'd best remember that, and remember it well, in future… providing you still have one…" His lip curled, "…pirate!"
Jack's eyes burned as though in sympathy with his beloved ship. Despite telling himself the moisture they exuded was due to the stinging smoke blowing into his face, his breaking heart knew otherwise.