Mar 21, 2005 00:04
feels like it's been a long time since i updated....
But, I guess I had a really great week and pretty good weekend (at the very least it ended well) and I like writing down when things go well in life.
The week was stressful, trying to take care of the dog and stage manage and get work done...but it was better every night because I got to spend it with Jack (amazing)....
But, I really enjoy the responsibility of stage managing and I'm loving working with Tric because she actually wants me to do a lot. (I felt like in Batboy, even though Vito was a wonderful stage manager, Christopher didn't really let him do very much) And I love that in the past week we've blocked all of Act I and did a run of it tonight -- that never happens!! (or at least it doesn't seem like it does...not so soon....)
I love organizing and coordinating, and figuring things out, and keeping track of things; and I love that I have a really cool box that has so many useful things in it and people get to use it.
And I made my computer science program work!
(it's the little victories)
And the only papers I'm going to have to write this semester are group papers, both of which are getting together and I feel like I'm actually making contributions to them and they're going to be good....
So, while I'm stressed out a bit sometimes when I don't have enough hours in the day to do everything I need to do, life is still good. And this college/independence/figuring out who I am and what I can do and what I want to do thing is actually a lot of fun. =)