I just wrote an epic and long post about this, and then GONE!
Mostly, I wanted to say, I had a new writing idea that I wanted to take as a challenge for myself. I thought up a new story idea, back when I was ill earlier in the month, after half reading a few stories online and in books, and half watching some soap operas (GH and then some Young and the Restless by confusion) this wacky, complex plot came out.
My plan is to complete a section a week, which I estimate and limit to about 5-10K words per section. This will be written in tandem with my
Time 'Verse stories. The story is tentively titled The Sum of Us and the first section, "Tears" is finished at almost 8K words. I am starting the second section right after. The story, however, is an original fic, not based on any show, movie, commercial, etc. Its main aspect is something that is a common topic, at least in all of the shows I watch, which is family.
The story is mostly about Nate Ryder, happily married to Emma, and father of eight. It's a crazy brood, that just gets crazier.
The main problem I think I'll have with this story is where to post it. Either I will get it on my LJ, or it will go up on
my site. I don't want to break up the sections into parts because they're planned to be written with a lot of jumps back and forth, like in a TV show, and multiple POVs for the most part. Also, it would be easier to keep track of the story if it stayed in its sections. So far, I have 20 sections planned for the story idea in completion.
If anyone is interested in the story, I will be posting more about it soon enough. Also, I will be posting more on
Time 'Verse soon too. It just seems that every chance I get some time to post, I don't have the right computer with me! Such is life, I guess.
And since it took me a week to finally get LJ to let me post this, I now have 21 sections planned, with “Limits” also finished at just over 12K. (Didn’t I say 10K limit? Yes, now tell that to my muse! I did cut some 200words from it though!)
Happy September and many Hugs, one and all!!