Apr 19, 2004 22:43

> A memon family in kharadar was puzzled when the coffin
> of their dead mother arrived from the US . It was sent
> by one of the daughters. The dead body was so tightly
> squeezed inside the coffin with no space left in it !
> When they opened the lid , they found a letter on top
> , which read as follows: "Dear brothers and sisters, I
> am sending our mother's body to you, since it was her
> wish that she should be cremated in the grave yard in
> mewa shah. Sorry, I could not come along as all of my
> paid leaves are consumed. You will find inside the
> coffin, under Amma's body, 12 cans of cheese, 10
> packets of chocolates and 8 packets of Badam. Please
> divide these among all of you. On Amma's feet you will
> find a new pair of Reebok shoes(size 10) for Kassam
> Bhai. Also, there are 2 pairs of shoes for Jubeda's
> and Jarina's sons. Hope the sizes are correct. Amma is
> wearing 6 American T-Shirts. The large size is for
> Sattar Bhai and the others are for my nephews. Just
> distribute them among
> yourselves. The 2 new Jeans that Amma is wearing are
> for the boys. The Swiss watch that Johra Bai wanted is
> on Amma's left wrist. Kulsum Aunty, Amma is wearing
> the necklace, earrings and ring that you asked for.
> Please take them. The 6 white cotton socks that Amma
> is wearing must be divided among my teenager nephews.
> Please distribute all these uniformly and if anything
> more required tell me now, since our Abba is also not
> keeping well nowadays."
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