7/18 (3:59 a.m. EDT): Full Moon ( Red/Mother Moon). * 7/18: Day South Africa’s apartheid was internationally outlawed (1976); birthday of Nelson Mandela, non-violent anti-apartheid activist. * 7/18 eve to 7/19 eve: Synoikia- Old Greek festival celebrating the peaceful cooperation of states. Offerings were made to Aphrodite and Eirene, Goddesses of friendship and peace. * 7/19: Day women demanded recognition of their equality to men in the legal, political, economic, religious, and domestic spheres (Seneca Falls, New York 1848). * 7/19 to 8/1 (A 8/29 to 9/11): Old Egyptian festival marking the return to Egypt of Neteret Isis, Neter Osiris, and the rains that inundate the Nile River. * 7/20: Secular Humanism Day- Day to celebrate all life-affirming humanist, rationalist, and scientific belief systems. * 7/20: Vigil for peace, justice, and respect for the human rights of all in Colombia--now in the throes of civil war. * 7/22: Christian feast of St. Mary Magdalen, disciple and priestess- Savior Jesus made her His priestess by purifying her seven times; she anointed Him in preparation for His sacrifice and witnessed His torture, death, and resurrection. * 7/23: Beginning of Leo (the Lion/Lioness). * 7/23: Mayan Sun Festival- honoring Sun God Ahau Kin; celebrated with devotional offerings of food, song, prayer, and a ritual procession that symbolically travels to the four quarters of the universe. * 7/24: Day that aggressive war was outlawed and the right to defend victims of aggression was recognized world-wide (1929). * 7/25 eve to 7/31 eve: Panathenaea- Old Greek festival of Goddess Athena--as daughter of Wisdom (Goddess Metis) and font of reason. * 7/26: Christian feast of St. Anna, mother of Blessed Mary and grandmother of Blessed Jesus; guide of grandmothers and elderly women. * 7/26: Birthday of Dr. Carl Gustav Jung (1875), founder of archetypal psychology, which explores universal concepts of Deity and their relation to the individual psyche. * 7/26: Day discrimination against the disabled was prohibited in public accommodations and employment (1990); day to celebrate empowerment of the disabled. * 7/28: Day the Constitution’s 14th Amendment went into effect, guaranteeing due process and equal protection of the law to all (1868). * 7/29 eve: Laylat al-Mi’raj- Commemorates the night journey of Muslim Prophet Muhammad to heaven. He conceived Deity to be a compassionate, genderless unity. * 7/29 eve to 8/17 eve (8/12 peak): Perseid Meteor Showers. * 7/31 eve to 8/2 eve: Lughnasadh. * 7/31 eve to 8/2 eve: Feast of the Grain Harvest. * 7/31 eve to 8/6 eve: Mid-Summer/First Harvest/Lammas.
SOURCE: The Mystic's Wheel of the Year...
a Multifaith Calendar Reflecting Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality
http://www.wheeloftheyear.com/2008/0708.htm *****************************
No wonder it is this time of year that i find placed in front of me those pebbles and behind me, those winds, that trip & blow me into my fall... the wheel of the year turns within me - autumn is coming; i can hear her call.
it is this time of year, just before the first harvest, when alice grows empowered, not afraid.
just look outside.
yes, you... LOOK!
i promise, if you really look between those woodland trees, you will see what's coming.
the descent.
the beginning of the fall.