What I want to know is when did my Mom become the child, and me - the parent? She's overdrawn in her checking account, crying because her art isn't selling and she's blaming God for everything.
I love my Mom more than anything, and we have an incredibly wonderful relationship. But she drives me nuts sometimes. I've noticed this kind of shift in her personality.....she's becoming more and more needy. She never used to be like this - as a matter of fact, she used to be the other extreme.....almost scarily self-sufficient. Is this new trend normal? I've heard that it can happen sometimes as parents get older.....but c'mon! To be 61 years old and overdrawn on your checking account?
Don't get me wrong....we are not good with money at ALL. But a few years back she got a financial advisor and started getting on the right track. It took me almost losing my house (I got swindled by a guy who SAID he was my best friend and that he loved me), to let Allan help me to learn how to manage my money. But my Mom has changed jobs and it seems like she's reverting back to her old ways of being one step ahead of the creditors. And then she gets all mad at God for her art not selling. This is a woman who barely 3 years ago discovered that she was an artist.....and a really good one to boot. She is currently on display at
Art for Wildlife Gallery in Coronado. CORONADO!! There are millions of great artists out there that would give their left paintbrush to be featured in a gallery, let alone in Coronado!! And she's royally pissed off right now because her stuff isn't selling. Jeez - to be an artist, and in a gallery no less just isn't enough. I would give anything to even be able to draw a stick figure!
I just don't get it.
Anyway - back at the ranch.
Allan and I had a wonderful talk last week about the "M" word. We both realized that we didn’t want to get married....that we're perfectly happy living in sin. :-) My thing is that I don't ever want to go through a divorce again (totally NOT comparing Allan to blechy Glenn....but...) and the best way to avoid that is by not getting married in the first place. :-) We also got some other things hashed out and I feel like we're a team again.....that we're closer. I dunno....can't really describe it. But it's been great ever since.
Then we spent 14 hours on Saturday and 10 hours on Sunday working on installing cabinets in Allan's Mom's garage. YOWZA!! I am SOOOOOOOORE! We're talking 24 hours of physical labor. His mom has money and is capable of having somebody come in and install the cabinets, but we wanted to use this as a learning opportunity for when we remodel my kitchen. So, hopefully we’ll be done this coming weekend and then we can start learning how to tile countertops. YAAY!!
Last night we FINALLY (after 2 months!!) finished painting the drywall patch that we did in our main bathroom! So that means that by tonight I will have a light in there! We’ve been using flood lights, candles, nite-lites, and a floor lamp stolen from a bedroom to light this friggin bathroom. Taking a crap by candlelight, while often romantic, gets on your nerves after a while.
I am sooooo looking forward to the end of the month and seeing my McClan cousins! It’s been so long (too long!) since I’ve seen them! Where does the friggin’ time go? It’s tough living out of town and only having time for my Mom and G-Ma when I do come down to visit. I think I should have come down more often and just not told my Mom or G-Ma and spent that time visiting my clan and friends.
So to
meggieking and
ancientnowyou have me for that Saturday afternoon & night (Saturday morning I’m helping my Mom and getting my hair done), and then that Sunday until about 2 pm. I can’t stay until Monday because I don’t have the vacation time I thought I did. Evidently I took a day somewhere around the beginning of the year and I don’t even remember doing it! I hate getting old!!