Stop the world?

Jan 22, 2007 13:48

So, the cruise happened. It was fun, but I was also depressed and lonely the whole time. The rest of my life needs to even out, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

I'm back at work, back to the grind.

Everyone is saying how the world is still swaying for them, but I haven't been affected by it at all. I didn't have any motion sickness on the boat. For most of it, it was like floating on an air mattress in a pool with your eyes closed. And when I got off I was fine. Not having any residual world-moving effects. I'm wondering if we always detect a certain amount of motion in the world, but our bodies tune it out normally. But we were so focused on it while we were on the boat that now people are having a hard time ignoring it.
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