Friday's Random Thoughts

Mar 20, 2009 22:16

- After spending a long day or some time around other people, when I come home I can be grumpy. I don't like to be talked to or asked about my day. Instead I tend to re-treat to my room and go on my laptop, and listen to songs off of youtube and proceed to search things on the internet which I have thought about during the day. It's as if I need those 20 - 30 minutes to just be by myself.

- Speaking of things that I have searched for before...did you know that almonds,sunflower seeds, spinach and avocado have a high concentration of Vitamin E which is good at preventing wrinkles or rather keeping your skin nice. Lucky for me I like all of those. I'm not sure though just how good they are at preventing wrinkles since I'm starting to get some especially on my face. I blame all the days spend in the sun with no sun screen as a teenager.

- I change my mind often. I don't believe much in horoscopes, not the daily ones anyways, but when it comes to having the wishy washy pieces personality's hard not to make a connection. I go from yes to no, and no to yes within minutes. It's the way I've always been and it happens with everything from small decisions to big decisions. The good thing is that once the event passes I don't look back and think "mmm should've went the other way"


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