Dec 16, 2003 23:12
I don't really have that much to say. I figured I should update this thang once in a while so that people don't think I've been kidnapped by the child snatching hamsters or whatnot. I want to ride a giant hamster, I think it might be something like riding a catipillar, except furrier. Right. This journal thing is fun! You (assuming somebody reads this....:) can now all join me in my head! It's a fun place! ready? here goes word association:
poop: stinky
me: funktiliousness (I dunno)
katie: amazing
liz: kibdiddledee
computer: snatcher
cookie: monster
sheet: head
bucket: o' lard
shibby: on the penny side
love: katie
whoa nelly: katie talking to horses ;)
chem: christ
stink bucket: ace ventura
livejournal: monkey chunks (I really don't know)
Bethesda: oh yeah ;)
bed: sweet sweet release (from a comic strip!!!!)
chocolate chunks: phish food
funny: bubblekindy (:P)
Simba: Simba :)
So anyway, here's today's news. School was fun, my classes were boring as always, but I got to hang out with Katie, and I love that. I got interviewed by Horizon on the subject of PDA's because Mrs. Reinthaler (she is a very icksome person by the by)gave katie and me points for it in meeting (which was ridonkulous by the way), so some mary kate told some kid doing an article about that that I had gotten points for it, so he called me up and asked questions. It was fun. I pretty much just bitched out Ms. Reinthaler rather than give him any opinions.... Oh well, it felt good anyway. I talked to katie on the phone tonight, which made me feel a whole lot better about everything (as always). It's really amazing how much of a great effect she has on me. I picked up the phone in a vile mood, and hung up grinning. Incredible. Anyway, after Katie alleviated the my tension, I came downstairs, and now I'm "doing chem" though obviously I'm not.
Wednesdays suck alot. But I'm really looking forward to Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uhuh, yup! and Friday for that matter!!!! Ok, I think I'm gonna go now, now that you guys are probably so incredibly bored with my rantings. I promise future entries to be better, or more professional, or whatever, cuz this is my first. (not counting the "I am roby, hear me roar....;)
P.S. thank you so much katie for always being there for me. You treat me so incredibly well, and I love you so much.