Sep 16, 2004 00:29
well school has been alot of work but i am willing to take that challenge.... but i have no clue on the sat's i don't kno if i should take the old one r the new one /c we all have to take the new one so y should i spend money on both??.. idk i am sick of this crap and i can't wait til school is out.. i hate how some people r acting.... well i'll jus rmember wut some one told me.. they'll end up DYING ne way.. haha sux for them living a life that they live and its not full heartedly r right.. haha that always makes me laugh.. well ne way yesterday(wednesday) ashley, steph, ashey's bro, n her friends chris(b/f), pat, n tony came over n we hung out in my basement lol after spending 10 minutes in the rain, it was fun we played games n acted like kindergarteners lol n tony was a funny dude, we listened to music and had some seret telling and.. an argument was about to break but thankgod it never n chris doesn't like th name kevin b/c of this kid kevin shadiack r how ev u spell it.. tony was best friends w/ him n i kinda insulted kevin s. but i don't care lol tony had the hotts for ashley's mom.. i thought that was funny.. yea we definately have to do that again it was funny.. even though tony sed i look like calzaretta! ahhhh bitch!
people in clifton r kewl but i like wayne better.. but some people in WAYNE r acting like loosers.. they r such pussy's!