Yet again, my day...

Apr 29, 2005 21:31

Let us start from the beginning of my day, though boring, and uneventful, and almost identical to yesterday's, it still, must be told.
I awoke at 6:05am this morning, I walked over to the bathroom to yet again, straighten my hair. After about 20 inuts straightening it, I went downstairs and had my cereal like usual. I then got dressed and fixed the stupid frizz in my hair. I attempting in printing out both articles but I only got one. Then i went to school. Yeppie, P.E..
Who doesn't want to learn about Marijuana? In fact, that would be me! but against my will i had to sit and read then fill out a stupid True or False and Marijuana. Okay, so there was my p.e.. some workout!
Drama, spent the whole period looking for monologues, and I found mine. Only problem, memorization.. I will read it 3 times a day for a week straight to see if I can memorize it. Then, I shall practice it. O, what fun! NOT!
Spanish...! ha just like yesterday, substitue, all we did was watch Toy Story 2 in Spanish. Whoopie-doo!
Rally, I didn't go.. I didn't want to..
Brunch, walked around, did absolutly nothing
Math, oh god.. how challenging is it to put a pair of numbers on a graph! where is the fun in that, yes, it is not complicated but.. thats no fun... I miss chapter five, and six, and seven.. I like not being able to do some of those problems (not on a test of coarse) but none-the-less.. I'm sorry but I really do not want to go to math any more.. I want to know what X is, not graph it!! I'm so sick of it, and we have only been doing it for a day..
Biology, a test, probably failed it, we got to play with Sadie!! weee she is so cute.
Lunch, attempted to print out my other article and it did not work so I told Mrs. Marsh and she said she would give me half credit so I saud okay but then left into Mr. Blaschke's room and drew on his whiteboard. then the bell rang and i went back to Lit. I took out my other article and pretended that it was article eight and I told her that i called my dad and i e-mailed him the article and had him copy and paste to wordpad and e-mail it back so that I could print it, she was like "Great problem solving!" ha, whatever...
After school, went to see if Mrs. Banchieri was there, no.. Mr. Blaschke? no... Mr. Stanton, yes.. Dustin, yes.. So I stayed for about 10 minutes then I got bored so I went and talked with Mr. A, that was fun.. then I found Sam after school and went home with her.
Sam's house, Fun! well kind, the first half I baisically watched her carve wood, which wasn't bad, I just kinda sat there dreaming.. then we had had dinner! YUMMY!!! Orange slices, rice, little sauseages, and honey glazed chicken. For dessert? Vanilla frosted chocolate brownies!! yum.. then we went to the Primere of: A hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.
Movie, was so amazing.. all I'mgoing to say is.. dun leave your house without a towel and GO SEE THE DAMN MOVIE!!!

Now? Updating this, going to take a shower before bed and... attempt not to go to bed yet because I'm not mentally ready to turn in even though physically i am..

luv ya muchos
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