
Jul 19, 2005 23:20

so here i am once the hell hole that i call my room...bored as a motha...
i wasnt very productive today, although i did go to the hospital and got the stitches out of my face removed...
we all know how pleasant that was...
my doctors officially suck my lil brothers penis...
apparently im not in enough pain for any drugs...what kinda shit is that???

today was the first day that i didnt recieve a visitor...kind of upsetting...but o well...

i mostly just sat around...i had to get up at 6 a.m. so i was in a semi zombie mood...untill i got this really crazy headache and i went to bed at like 5 p.m.

i think mrs. blanchard called me while i was sleeping but i have no recollection of i really have no idea what happened with that one....

i woke up at like 10 p.m. caught an episode of real world and the 70's house...and now here i am...back in my room...

tomarrow i was suppose to go to the movies with chelsinator and david h. but i have decided that i look too bad and dont feel great enuff to actually go out go i think imma just hold out till el chelsinators birthday parties next week...i think by then i will be sufficient enuff to leave and i mite possibly look somewhat normal...that would be uh-mah-ZING!...

so chelsinator and i concocted a new plan for tomarrow...i wake up and attempt to mow the lawn so i can get money...especially considering the fact i havent worked in got knows how long...then chelsinator shall scoop me up after she gets her pussy shaved;-)...and she shall take me to blockbuster...and we shall watch an el not sure what time this is suppose to take place...but it will happen... ive decided that after you get surgery and you sit on ur ass at home doing nothing for like almost 2 begin to get depressed and feel ugly and think that no1 likes you nemore cuz ur not part of the social life nemore...which really sucks anus...i dont know why i just said that...but its random...and its you just lookin forward to being NORMAL again...i cant wait! YOU ALL HAVE NO IDEA!!!

i miss camronakon...its definately been a really sux...she doesnt is grounded forever..hopefully her mom will still love me and let me take her out every once and a while b4 i leave and when i get all healed up!...if not...i will just die...

i wanna go on a roadtrip! looking forward to doing that in august with chelsinator!...myrtle beach quite possibly??? who knows...

ive never read ne of the harry potter books...i dont know if that makes me a bad person...
and ive never seen ne of the lord of the pretty sure there are few people like me...
i think its mostly because im lazy...and i dont wanna read a book when i can watch the movie but i dont wanna watch a movie thats like 5 hours long...


i think imma sit around or possibly try to find a movie to watch..maybe "as good as it gets"...diana reminded me of it with her quote in her profile..

i love my nuccas...<3jenerator...
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