Jul 18, 2005 19:47
so its been a while...almost a year...
so ill just start from today...
today was okay...still swollen from jaw surgery that i got a week ago..but it is going down..
chelsinator came over and chillaxed and we watched the first wives club...goodtimes as always...
i havent really up to much of nething lately...alot of sitting around and watching movies...
i also feel really ugly...when u look like a ugly puffy squirrel...of course ur gunna feel like that..
BUT the good thing about gettin surgery is that u get alot of visitors...
i have gotten one everyday! up to like 6!...its amazing...
just makes me feel loved inside..
i quit smoking for the time being..possibly because i couldnt even if i wanted to...so i just figured i would cut out that habit in general..
holy shitballs! im so fucking hungry...i havent had real food in over a week..everything has been through a straw...just imagine how much suckage i am going through...slimfast does not taste that great...
chelsea is suppose to be leaving for florida but she doesnt know if she is going cuz some people are being assholes...newho...i wanna go on a roadtrip b4 i go up to JMU...but i dunno if that will happen..
depends on my face and my family...
i have a doctors appt tomarrow so they can take out stitches...hopefully that shit wont hurt...
i prolly wont be doing much of nething for another week or so...or at least till chelsinators 18th! u kno that will be some serious shizzlenit...
not being able to feel ur nose is not goodtimes, cuz snot can be drippin out and u wont know...
i am really beginning to think if i ever will have ALL my feeling back in my face...im still missing alot...all i really wanna do is to eat food and be able to taste how deliciously good it tastes...
my mom constantly talks...its something weird she has always done...considering the fact she just got off the phone with my dad...and she was all yelling and shit...of course i had to mediate and of course in the end it was all my fault neways...u kno how that shit goes...familys, especially b4 mine are INSANE...
newho...my mom is just going and going and going about random ass stories...i have learned to ignore her...
YAY! she left...so im sittin here, smelling good ass italian food that my grandmother has made...and i cant eat it...THIS SHIT SUX! i think i have already lost 5 pounds...but i better be losin more than that cuz im fucking suffering...u dont appreciate food till u cant eat it for a week or two..its definately some serious shit...
im definately to the point where i am going to say that i am officially starving of hunger...
i have a headache...im thinkin about overdosing on Advil considering my pain meds suck ass and i cant take them cuz they make me sick at shit..i mean liquid codine? tastes like a monkeys urine...i wish the bastards would have just given me vicadin so i could sleep all the time..but no..the bastards want me to fucking suffer...assholes..
this is a really long entry but i havent updated in almost a year, what are u gunna expect?...
hopefully people will read mine cuz i read other peoples...and i kno thats really lame, but its something to do while ur crippled...
imma TRY to get my grub on..with something not gross but something i can get through a straw that will still taste good...ne suggestions???
newho..imma go...i mite get bored later and update shortly...leave me comments so i can chuckle and feel loved! u kno how to do...