Jan 25, 2008 00:44
hahaha i just reread my post from yesterday. i have this to add:
i caused a fender-bender today. it started snowing as i was leaving the school i volunteer at, and right when i was at the stoplights right before campus, there was ice and i couldn't stop. so i just skidded into this guy's suv. since my car is pretty low to the ground, my plastic front bumper has a couple cracks in it, about the length of my hand. nothing happened to his car, so he was really nice and said he was sorry it messed my car up. it was pretty scary, because i've never been in a wreck ever in my life *knock on wood*, driving or not.
then i had to park way out in the boonies [not sure if that's spelled even close to correct...]. i walked all the way back to the courtyard to eat with a friend, when i realized i'd left my ID and room key in my car. ... yeah. so i had to bum lunch off her, then walk all the way back to my car, then back to my room. surprisingly, i wasn't as cold as i thought i'd be though. either i was so frozen by then that i was numb, or my adrenaline was running so high i couldn't feel anything.
sucky sucky sucky day.