Jan 17, 2005 17:06
Well, today was my first day working at Viking Pump. I can definitely see why this project will last a long time!! It isn't just scanning their product manual... it is scanning it in this special program that makes it editable. It's kinda cool, but when it converts the scanned document into an editable document, it doesn't format at all and -- especially on tables -- messes up a lot. I was told it is like 50-60% accurate. That's not very high, but that is 50-60% of the document that doesn't need re-typed and such!! Anyway, I spent the day pretty much getting to know the program and such... and working on my first 8 pages.
I think this is all kind of exciting. This is my first full-time job that actually pays. I still have not been told how much I make, so I guess I will find that out when I get my first pay check! I am assuming it will be about 8.50, but it could be as much as 9.50. My lunch went well today. Lunch is 11:45-12:30. There are pop machines and a bunch of vending machines, too... reasonable prices, even! 20 oz pops are 90 cents and the munchies are quite reasonable, too. I can tell that this should be an enjoyable experience! The people I work with are pretty nice, too. The lady I kinda work with (my go-to person when I have questions and such) has some super bad breath, but she's super nice, so I guess it's okay.
Tonight I am going to make Cheesy Enchilada Hamburger Helper! Yummy!! It is my favorite Hamburger Helper that exists, so I am super excited about it! Last night, I made Lemony Salmon with buttery potatoes...it was super nummyness! I marinated the salmon in lemon juice and sprinkled lemon pepper seasoning on top... boy was it good that way!! I'll have to prepare the other half that way when I make it!
Well, that's about it from me for now. I need to go pay the cell bill quick. Ciao.