it's time for an update!

Aug 14, 2007 22:52

Despite my last entry, there is more going on in my life than just me watching Hollyoaks every day after work (barely, but still.)

Sooo I started my new job. I like it. There are some youngish people there who are nice to hang out with at lunch every once in a while. Tomorrow I am going on a FIELD TRIP TO STOUGHTON!! Excited for that. I get to tour a local printing company! I get to see how textbooks are printed! And they are feeding me lunch afterwards! And I better be getting paid for this!

I do like it, but I do not really think it is a good sign that I have been working at this place for 2 weeks and I'm already like "YEAH ALMOST-WHOLE DAY OFF!" It's not even like I work OT every week. I work 37.5 hours a week, and we get out 2 hours early on Fridays during the summer. And I tend to take long lunches at my desk (more on that later) because I feel awkward having to go up to my supervisor every 10 minutes like "Ummm... I need more work to do." I am still at the point where I am sometimes like "what the fuck am I even looking at? Oh well, I will just mark it if these things don't look exactly the same."

SOOOOooo on my long lunch at my desk TODAY, I was looking at Arctic Monkeys stuff online for some reason (maybe because i LOVE LOVE LOVE them but whatever) and remembered how bummed I was that I couldn't see them when they were in Boston because I had already committed myself to going to Martha's Vineyard for Senior Week by myself. Yeah, I got to go to the beach... but I would have traded that for Arctic Monkeys in a second. So I decided to check out tour dates just for fun and THEY ARE GOING AROUND AGAIN... but not coming to Boston. BUT THEY ARE COMING TO PROVIDENCE! For some reason it was not even sold out, which I find really weird... I think the Bos shows sold out in like 10 seconds. Maybe because it's in Providence on a Thursday night. So yeah, I BOUGHT TICKETS!! I WANTED TO DANCE UPON MY DESK (but I didn't because I have only just started working there and I don't think there's enough room for me to stand anyway.) Of course I had to buy them the SKETCHY way though... eBay. Sure, they were more expensive, and sure they might not work when I show up at the door, but they were 6 rows ahead of the seats available online... first row balcony (all of the reserved seating at Lupo's is in the balcony and I am getting too old for the floor... plus I have work the next day.) Has anyone been to a show at Lupo's? I did some research before buying the tickets... I figured I had to spring for the first row ones because if people are standing I can't see, even if I am in like the 7th row.

I have it all planned out in my head: I will get out of work, go straight to Providence where Katie (my roommate who I have forced to come because she listens to Arctic Monkeys to remind her of me... awww) will meet me, then we go to the show, and it is AMAAAAYZZIIIIIINNNNNGGGG and then I drive back to Boston and crash at her place and wake up to go to work in the morning. Who knows if all/any of this will happen, but all I know is IT BETTER because THIS IS MY DREAM MOMENT. Best thing is, it's at the beginning of Sept so it is SOON! I hate it when I'm really into a band and I buy tickets to see them but by the time the concert comes I'm onto something else... not so, I have the capability to listen to Arctic Monkeys for like, at least 6 months straight. I have every single one of their B-sides. I have Arctic Monkeys wallpaper on my laptop. I have a picture of them from the Phoenix on the board across from my bed. I. LOVE. THEM.

So... yeah, I told you that there was more to my life but Hollyoaks, but I think I just covered everything... I have pretty much officially moved into my dad's house since I started work, but I still visit my mom and her family like at least 3 times a week... for the company. I may "live" with my dad, but he is the weirdest roommate ever... as in he basically doesn't live here. He is always going on trips w/his friends or staying at his fiancee's house, which I knew coming into all this, but living in a big house in the country is not really as fun as it sounded when I decided I wanted to do it. Yes, I get my own house FOR FREE. No, I do not have any friends in the area. So basically I watch a lot of Tivo. At least I go to bed early because I have to wake up at 6 every morning (boo) so that takes up some time. I have committed myself to toughing it out for a year. I don't make THAT much money, and I don't own my own car, so I am going to save up for a down payment and then take that up... I haven't decided what I am going to do with my extra money when I start making it... I figure my peers are paying upwards of $700 a month in rent, so should I save that money or should I make really big student loan payments every month? Because honestly, the idea of me having to pay for college when I am into my 30s does not appeal to me.

First things first though, I guess... I should probably pay off all of the shit I have bought over the past few weeks of employed exuberance. I have a whole new wardrobe of work-appropriate attire; multiple DVD sets; uhhh... Arctic Monkeys tickets that I payed like twice as much for as I could have had I just bought GA tickets from the venue... I figure after being unemployed for my longest streak EVER and literally not spending ANY money, I am allowed to enjoy myself. And that means watching The Office and going to a concert.

Let's see how many more Arctic Monkeys mentions I can get in before I wrap this thing up...

Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys.

Okay, that should be good. Oh no, wait...

Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys

I love having random obsessions like this.
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