Oct 31, 2008 00:03
Yesterday (wednesday) I went to the doctor to talk to him about getting my prescription for Benzaclin renewed and also about maybe switching to a different medication. I also wanted to get a pneumonia shot because as everyone knows I've had it 3 times, and I'd kind of like that to stop.
Didn't get in to see my normal doctor, instead I got to see my dad's doctor; Dr. Thurmer. Nice guy, seemed to be in a bit of a hurry but then aren't all doctors these days? He doesn't think I need to change my medication, of course I disagree though because I'm tired of having my face be all oily and gross. So he gives me a referral to the dermitologist. Problem with that is they are booked up until mid-december. In the meantime I have to be satisfied with the BenzaClin.
Getting the pneumonia shot was no problem, he was like 'oh, you've had pneumonia before? Then you need it' he also decided I needed to get a TDap shot which in plain english is a tetanus booster. I was surprised because usually needles freak me out and HURT but these I barely felt and was ok with. I guess because it was in my upper arm and I wasn't looking at the nurse when she did it.
My major issue with this is that SOMETHING probably the tetanus booster has caused my upper arm to be achy all day today, and hurt whenever I move those muscles, have a shirt or bookbag brush against it, etc. And now here I am getting ready for bed, I take off my sweater and I have a huge knot on my arm where the injection site is. It looks like a big ass bee sting and it feels kind of warm in comparison to the rest of my arm. I'm gonna be really pissed off if I am allergic to the vaccine. Gotta call the doctor tomorrow I guess and see what he says about it.
On the plus side I am now safe from tetanus and most types of pneumonia for the next 10 years. So woot! And I gets to dress up for halloween tomorrow. Hurrah!