Stripped Bare

Jan 11, 2008 21:45

Fat Girl Diary.

(Sorry I don't know how to link a video)
This YouTube Video was linked on one of my friends entries and after watching some of Amy's other video's something unleashed in me. I wrote to Amy shortly afterwards and am posting my email to her here to be let as I feel that more people need to be open about life. I wish I had had someone like Amy around years and years least I have her now.

Hi Amy,

I just found your YouTube video's through a friends entry in my live journal account. I have to say that I really, really admire what you are doing. Not only that I have to say that you are doing it extremely well What your saying is honest, stripped bare, raw and truthful.

All my life I have struggled with excess weight and as a result people who can't handle or accept people with excess weight have plagued me. The way you set out the steps in your 2nd Fat Girl Diary really touched me. So many of them I recognised as having gone through. I think what got to the most was that I still think I have a way to go. It's hard to explain and although I am a stranger to you and this outpoor of my thoughts and feelings may not be something you care to read I feel for the first time that I can be completely open and honest and brutal in a way I've never, ever been before. So I'm going to send this to you and you can do what you will. This will be my first complete honest release to the world of all I'm feeling.

You see I used to weight a lot (124 kilo's) and I've lost a lot of weight (I'm now 75 kilo's) however although I've shed my outer weight I still have a lot of the same feelings inside that I did when I was at my heaviest. I don't think I ever expressed my anger towards people, the world, myself etc, I think I'm almost afraid to let it out, that once untapped it won't be bottled again. Sure I've felt angered but I've never expressed it outwardly. Seeing you and the anger that you were able to express and the fact that you expressed it made me admire you and envious of that ability. I don't know if I have the capability to express myself like that. I've spent so long pushing down my real feelings, feelings of hurt and sadness, that it's hard to express them at time and I think I've almost forgotten how. I long to be able to find that place in myself where I have stored all this emotion and let free everything that I have felt and repressed and even everthing that I have not let myself feel like the anger.

Seeing your video has inspired me to seek this part of me out and hopefully I can complete the steps towards acceptance both of what I used to be, what I am now and what I will always be.

Thank you.

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