May 20, 2004 13:21
So I am on here because of seeing my boyfriend's journal. And honestly it makes him the more intriguing. He has a fucked up past-his ex totally fucked him over and he started going down a shit ladden path.
On a lighter note:Its also fun becuase I get to see all the girly comments he had recieved as he had prompted after writing "I need sex"or "I need a fuck buddy." Thats rather flattering to see that chicks would even comment back on that. Ahem...The best to come is catching him in a lie. He writes about a neighbor he liked-a girl I met and I thought was a total freak (I mean this girl was so negative, so cold, so bitchy, and had fat legs). Anyways the greatest bit is the contradiction: I asked one day if he ever liked her. He said no. Plus he wrote a bull-shit, fabricated story of us having sex probably so all the nice girlies could be impressed with his superfluous skills as an untamed lion in bed. Well, he is good in I've ever had and thats becuase he is so so passionate plus I am very dramatic and we make one hot duo.
And the best part is getting to see how deep he is. A part of him he sometimes allows to come out. Sometimes I get scarred because of his hairy past but at the sam time it make for a dynamic type person beaucse all the while he is coping with his inner struggles and he does it amazingly. You most likely would'nt be able to tell unless you were studied in pshycology. Any how he is beautiful the inside and out and is able to make me feel like he does love me, except he may be scared to love me entirely beacuse of his ex. He is kind of closed up in a way but when i see him opening up to me it is the most romanitc feeling. And he is so sweet, better than my last. He was relationship handi-capped. he took relationships 101 and he still suffered miserably. And yeah I am some to blame but damn boy. Damn boy. He didnt even want a relationship becuase he was suicidal most of the relationship and never admitted it to me until the end of it. The boy could not open up and when he did it was too late.
Anyways I guess you could say I know how to pick the winners. Bottom-line I have been after the artists. My first real boy was a comic book drawer. When we broke up he made a whole comic about our drama in OB with the soutern boy that actually stole me from him with his sexy accent of course. That comic was the funniest shit I've ever seen. Ok..then long way down was Carman Geroge Bibbo. He was gold I thought. I thought oh so wrong..o well laters.