All I want for Christmas is you

Oct 24, 2005 23:21

Starting to get in Christmassy mode, which is quite sad really, because it's October. I watched Love Actually 3 times this week-end, I really really like that movie. Makes me feel cheery.

I was really worried about work and stuff, especially after a little chat in class about it and I just felt sort of blocked, go figure. But turns out I have full marks in Biology and I passed Maths, barely. But I passed. So it encouraged me to work this afternoon, and I got some stuff done for the rest of the week, which is always always a plus. And tomorrow we're having the class picture taken. Something that's always always funny in this school. The bathrooms are always filled with girls trying out smiles and putting on lip-gloss. I want to go : STOP THE MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know exactly how I'm going to smile : Mouth closed. Sweet and simple.

Fer called me again today, and he called me again yesterday( By the way, everytime I hang up I have these wonderful spazzes : I start running up and down this hallway I have and my dog runs behind me barking like it's Christmas) Anyway, Adriana's hosting the "Halloween" party she did last year, where a little event happened with Fer, so I said I wouldn't go because I just know it'll be all uncomfortable and stuff, and I really don't feel like spending a night like that. So I just simply don't feel like going. And then she started to argue going : "Nonononononononon my little pally you are mistaken for you will barely see him because I will invite loads of guests! And besides if you don't go it'll be like you're letting him "win""

And I go "Waaaaah?? Hold your horses you horse holder, I am not in the crush with him(something I keep repeating to them but we all know what's true and what's not true muahahahaha) + The fact that I don't feel like going has nothing to do with shame or embarrasment, it is because I simply do not feel like spending a whole night being uncomfortable with him, + we've just started really talking and I really enjoy talking to him and don't want sort of make it uncomfortable AGAIN (didn't say this last bit, I didn't think of it at the time) And she went all "Baaah it's all in the past etc etc" so now I really don't know if I should go or not. Interesting.

+ Laura said something that reaaaaally pissed off. But I shall not reveal it at the risk of sounding like a stupid school girl, something I fear I already have done, but ah well, ho-hum, life's good and all that jazz.

Watching the whole of "Lost" Season 1 again and I LOOOOOOVE IT. Along with Desperate Housewives. They're both LOOOOVE.

I've got this song in my head now : All I want for Christmas is Youuuuuuu and you, and you......

I'm coooold.
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