Hi everyone! I've scrolled through this entire community, and sorry for yet another haircare post, but I didn't see my specific issue anywhere. I'm a complete Lush newbie - a friend sent me some bath bombs and melts a year ago, and I fell in love with them, and hoarded them until I finally used the last one a week ago. This inspired me to look for them online (I live in a relatively small town - no Lush anywhere remotely close.) I was thrilled to discover that beyond bath luxuries, they also offer haircare and other products.
ETA - OMG! LJ just ate my humungous lj cut explaining and asking for advice! *SOB* re-typing it all....
Wow, I can't even believe I have to retype all of this! Okay, I'm trying to get over it....
Anyway. So, I've been really unhappy with my current haircare regime for awhile. I've tried just about every overpriced Salon product out there, with mixed results. Recently, it's been Aveda. At first, I really liked it. It seemed to leave my hair clean and detangled without that film some products can leave behind. But lately, it's been leaving my hair lifeless and flat - no "volumizing" at all. Worse, by mid-afternoon, my hair is really oily! Considering I color treat my hair, that's kind of amazing.
I have SUPER fine hair, but there's also a LOT of it. It takes my stylist three hours to do a foil weave, if that tells you anything. And she's always surprised - it just doesn't look like I have that much hair, but I do. It's also naturally wavy, and tangles really bad if I don't use a conditioner. It's naturally a medium brown, but I go in about once every 4 months or so and weave it with two colors of blond, a lighter bleach blond, and softer golden blond. My stylist says only one of these is a "bleach" and the other is a "color", but that seems odd since both lighten my hair.
I read reviews on Lush's site, and finally settled on ordering some smaller sizes to try of both Daddyo and Big, and also American Cream conditioner. Then I found out, too late, about Big and other salt based shampoos stripping color from hair! Of course, it probably should have occurred to me that a salt based shampoo might not be the best thing for my color treated hair, for the dry factor if nothing else. I was too intimidated to try any of the shampoo bars, initially, which is why I stuck with the more traditional liquids.
My order arrived yesterday (Yay!), and Lush included a sample of The Blond (it's like they know me!) so I'll probably give that a try. This morning, I used Daddyo and American Cream. So far, my hair is wonderfully clean, soft and shiny, and we'll see this afternoon about the oil factor (although I did just get my hair colored last weekend, and the oil thing cropped up less with Aveda immediately following a color treatment.) I admit I'm a little disappinted in AC. Not in function - it detangled just fine, and no film left behind that I could tell - but in scent. Everyone raves about it, but the undertone of baby powder is driving me mildly nuts. I hope I get used to it. I ordered the 8.4 oz. size. :(
So, any color treated blondes out there? What combos do you use in your hair? I also got the H'Suan Wen Hua treatment, but haven't had a chance to try it yet. Also, what styling gels do people like? I hate hairspray, and usually stick to light mousee and the like.
You all can imagine my dismay, btw, when I placed this order, and then just found out yesterday about the new hair kit being offered for $15. Would've been a much more cost effective way of trying the products. *sigh*
One last non-haircare Q. My sister seems to be allergic to something in like every deoderant on the market, even the "all natural" Tom's. I ordered the Aromaco for her to try, hoping Lush's product might be missing whatever that ingedient is. Anyone have any experience with it?