What I got...and what I liked/didn't like.

Jan 13, 2009 04:50

So, I made two trips to Paramus for Give It Away. These are my first major Lush purchases, and I can't wait to go again! I first got into Lush last fall, when I bought bath bombs that I had read about for a friend's birthday. Turns out I figured a better present, and the bombs just SAT in my room for awhile until I decided to use Youki-Hi on myself. And it was AMAZING. I don't even really take baths, but Lush has made me realize what fun they can be...

Anyway, here's pics of what a got, and a list.

From my first trip, during their New Year's Day Party.

And my trip last week.


- Cynthia Sylvia Stout
- Coolaulin
- Veganese
- H'sua Wen Hua
- Amandopondo
- Witch's Ball
- Mr. Butterball
- 2 Snowcakes
- Lily Savon
- Honey I Washed The Kids
- Snow Fairy Gift Set (for my friend's birthday gift)
- Twinkle Gift Set - (FOR ME! Contains Shimmy Shimmy massage bar and Twinkle bath bomb
For Free In Goody Bag
- Sonic Death Monkey shower gel
- Sample of Gold, Frankincense and Beer
- Sample of Ice Cold.)

My thoughts on what I've bought from Lush so far... (Mods, if reviews need to be behind a cut, let me know!)

Cynthia Sylvia Stout is an amazing shampoo! I really love the unique scent and it leaves my hair squeaky clean. Coolaulin, I didn't love as much. :-( I'm just not a fan of the smell: it smells like BURNT coconut to me instead of sweet. It also feels watery to me---I feel like I need multiple handfuls to get enough conditioner in my hair! So I got Veganese and my second round, and I'm still feeling the watery texture? I dunno, maybe I just have to adjust to Lush's conditioners. But I do love the smell of Veganese as opposed to Coolaulin. H'sua Wen Hua has been excellent so far. My hair is dry on the bottoms but the roots get greasy quite quickly. I used half a pot on my long-ish hair weekly. (I just couldn't bring myself to use the whole thing in one go!) My hair looks like it's been brought back to life! Major improvement. It's shinier, softer, not as dry...the only thing I don't like is the egg-y smell, which I find nauseating at times. Besides that, rave reviews for H'sua Wen Hwa!

I wasn't too thrilled with Snowcake at first. The creamy, moisturizing lather was great, but it smelled like a combo of Play-Doh and burnt plastic! But I used it anyway, and after a few days in the shower, I started to like it. The sweeter notes came out and the soap grew on me! Enough for me to buy a second bar! I LOVE Honey I Washed The Kids. I could almost eat it, and the scent is intoxicating in a good way. I keep half of the bar unwrapped by my bed just so I can sniff it randomly. Also, Gold, Frankinsence, and Beer smelled a lot better than I expected: spicy and orange, not like a sticky, dirty bar at the end of the night, LOL. But the whole shower jelly concept weirds me out a little. I feel like I'm washing my body with jello! I think I'll stick to Lush's soaps for awhile.

Shimmy Shimmy massage bar just confuses me. It smells good, a little musky, but good. The thing is that I get the impression that I'm supposed to melt the bar in my hands and rub over my body? It doesn't melt really. So I try to rub it over my skin, and it just feels dry and cold and scratchy. I get glitterry...but the overall process of getting it on me doesn't feel too nice.

I cocktailed half of Amandopondo this evening with Avobath, which was a lovely little re-energizing bath. Thing is, Amandopondo smelled great until I put it in the water, where I couldn't smell it at all. I also used Witch's Ball two weeks ago, which I loved a lot more than I thought I would! The herbal smell wasn't too harsh and it made a purple-pink concoction in my tub. In fact, once I put the jets on in my bathtub, it actually felt like I was brewing in a witch's cauldron, LOL! Here's a pic of the tub.

Bubbling like a cauldron.

The bubbles starting to get a little out of control.

However, I didn't know any better, and just assumed that one bubble bar = one bath. So I used the whole Witch's Ball in one go! Combined with the jets in my tub, the bubbles were insane!! I did like the potpourri and parsley in the bar, as well the sage/rosemary scent. The only thing that sucked was that I tied my hair into a ponytail in the bath, and my hair hit the water. My hair smelled like Witch's Ball for a whole week after the bath, even after washing multiple times! I didn't mind it at first, but after a few days, it started to make my hair not smell so good. :-( Does anyone else have a similar experience with hair and baths?

conditioner: veganese, massage bars, ballistic: butterball, bathing with lush, bubble bar: amandopondo, ballistic: youki-hi, shower jellies, lush porn, soap: snowcake (seasonal), ballistic: avobath, hair treatment: h'suan wen hua, soap: honey i washed the kids, soap: lily savon, give it away 09, i bought

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