Oct 25, 2008 08:59
#1: I've been using SJG for a few months now and love it. My only problem is that I have sensitive skin and occasionally, the exfoliation is too much and causes some redness/irritation (which, when it meets toner = ouch). I love the way the oils make my skin feel and was wondering if Baby Face is essentially the same oil-wise as SJG or is it heavier? Anyone have any raves/tips/etc. to offer before I purchase?
#2: About 2 months ago, I got some Imperialis. I've used it roughly 5-6 times, and while the moisture feels good at first, it always denigrates into a huge oil slick on my face. It's hard to explain, but feels like the oil is just sitting on top of my skin. Really unpleasant. I've made sure to always mix it before use, just in case that was the problem, but had the same result. Since I've used it so few times, keep it refrigerated and it has an exp. date in June 2009, I would like to exchange it for something like Vanishing Cream or Enzymion. Here's the problem: my mom buys all of my Lush products since the nearest store from me is 2 hours away. If I call customer service, would they be able to help me or is there another way I need to do this?
Thanks! : D
return policy,
cleanser: babyface