May 23, 2006 23:28
Things On The Internet Which Are Irritating, and Should Go Away
1. People who think that, if women can "opt out" of pregnancy by having an abortion, men ought to be able to opt out of paying child support. Because a) the right to make your own medical decisions is not the same as the right to do whatever you want with your money, and b) whatever anybody thinks about individual choice, there's still a baby there who needs food and shelter and medical care.
2. People who think that skinny girls are disgusting. No, of course, I don't think that skinny girls get anywhere near as much appearance-related bullshit as overweight people do, but I still get annoyed when someone posts a picture of a skinny girl and everyone starts jumping up and down about how disgustingly skeletal she is and how she must have an eating disorder. To wit: a while ago, somebody posted a scan of a Maxim cover (sorry, I forget where) -- a picture of a dark-haired girl in a red bikini, kneeling, smiling, and sticking her chest out at the camera. Immediately, half the community was all like "omg ewww you can see her RIBS!" Um, hi, if you are fairly thin and you decide to stick your chest out like a pigeon, your ribs will show. This is not disgusting. Or unhealthy. So STFU.
3. People who post stupid bullshit in a community, wait for the snarky responses to come rolling in, and then respond "I must have touched a nerve. Maybe you should think about that."
4. People who tell pregnant teenagers that they suck at life because "no one should have sex unless they're prepared to take care of an infant!" Because in the first place, not helpful, and, in the second place -- hi, there are these things called birth control, abortion clinics, and adoption agencies. Check it out.
5. Any variant on this conversation:
Person A: *random opinion*
Person B: *disagrees*
Both: *long heated argument*
Person A: OMG, you're arguing with me on the Internet! You must have no life!
Person B: You're arguing with me on the Internet. So you must not have a life either.
Person A: Well, I'm not really arguing with you -- I'm just laughing at you! You're the one who cares so much about Internet bullshit. You are a loser and lol@you.
Person B: I don't care about this at all either! I'm laughing at you more.
Both: *continue, ad nauseum*
Me: *drops rocks; everyone dies*