May 29, 2003 16:00
so, as some of you may already know, i am evicted as of sunday june 1, i have found a new apartment already so that is not the "i need" (for those of you who are worried about it, don't - IT IS A ONE BEDROOM THAT I CAN AFFORD BY MYSELF, for once, yah!). there is no explanation for said eviction offered, nor do i feel one is really needed, those of you who know do and those of you who don't and feel you should may feel free to inquire. however, all of that is pretty unimportant, the "i need"s are as follows:
1) i need help moving this sunday, i know that it is short notice and i apologize for that.
2) most of the people i know will only offer assistance for a compensation of food, boose, and/or other non-alcoholic fizzy beverages, being as i have NO money, i would greatly appreciate donations of said goodies (i can compensate the donor come payday if donor wishes, so if you choose to donate please keep track of what i will owe you later)
my issue on this day (of course there has to be one) is that i work graveyard (11p to 7a) and so i am regretfully asking for assistance at a somewhat-earlier-than-usual hour (preferably noon-ish).
that is pretty much all i really need, in theory i have access to ONE truck already, but would greatly appreciate more.
you may feel free to offer service for one, both or (of course) none of my above "i need"s.
please, if you can help, RSVP me here on LJ.
i love you all, whether you can help or not.
<3 -lissa- <3