Finally, the end of the year approaches...

Dec 30, 2020 22:17

I can't think of any other year when *everyone* wanted to say "good riddance" to the outgoing year. In the past, maybe somebody who lost a job or a marriage or a family member would say "this year sucks," and their friends would nod sympathetically while secretly giving thanks for their promotions and pay raises and kids' college scholarships. But THIS year? When you see chalkboard messages saying "Let us never speak of 2020 again" embedded in the middle of IKEA displays, for crying out loud....

Anyhow, the boy toy and I had a nice Christmas, even though it was just the two of us (and the holiday roast beef came out a little dry, compared with the last time he cooked such a meal -- maybe Easter?). We each got ourselves a new Kindle Fire tablet. The Fire is a little more "locked down" than standard Android tablets, in that you can acquire only the apps that are in Amazon's own app store. However, it's still very easy to use, and I don't care about the app issue so much now that I have a smartphone (though that device is already more than two years old, I think). I was happy with my other presents, including a framed set of retro-style solar-system "tourism" posters and a Hamilton tote bag. On Christmas Eve I phoned my cousins in Massachusetts and then had a much longer phone chat with R.

Till next time.... This entry was originally posted at Please feel free to comment either here or there.

holidays, tech stuff, family, boy toy, disaster

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