Green shirt, red shirt

Mar 20, 2020 22:43

On Wednesday night, my Toastmasters club had its first online meeting. It went pretty well, I'd say. We had about 15 people using the Zoom platform, and some people were more experienced users than others.

Still, we heard each other well, except for the second of two club members (husband and wife) who live in the same house. The wife didn't have much bandwidth on her computer, so she had to switch places with her husband briefly.

Since I've used Zoom before, I volunteered to be the timer for the evening. Normally, the timer uses green-yellow-red lights or cards to signal how much time the speaker has used up. However, our club's set of lights has a broken knob and the cards are in the box of club stuff, locked up in the church basement (not my church). I couldn't see going out to the craft store to buy poster board or construction paper during a pandemic, so I went to my closet and found a green shirt, a yellow shirt and a red shirt. And I held them up at the appropriate times. It seemed to work....

Such is the improvisational life during a national emergency.

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toastmasters, disaster

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