Soooo ... I'm trying, really trying, to write as much of my feature article (due August 15) as I can before my Pennsic trip (August 2 to 9). Wish me luck.
I know that many people (including Yves, based on our conversations of a few years ago) think that if I just write 10 percent of the article each day, the article will be done in 10 days. Er, it doesn't quite work that way, at least not with my thought processes. Usually I select one chunk and try to chew on it and organize it the best I can, and later tie all the chunks together with some smooth connecting words. At least the last feature I wrote had an obvious framework -- it was a retrospective on a speech given 60 years ago -- so I could start by describing the speech and then hanging comments from my interviewees on the framework, like ornaments on a Christmas tree. This one has a basic outline, but I still have to create everything from scratch.
Anyhow. This year I wrote up a Pennsic packing list as a Google Docs document and shared it with the boy toy. That way, he can help me a bit. Today he unearthed my stakes and air pump and he was just testing out my air mattress. I need more stakes and probably another air pump; he's going to shop for both tomorrow.
(Incidentally, my least favorite part of camping is inflating the air mattress. Just saying.)
Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention ... I'm not going to Pennsic with T.V.P. after all. Last Thursday she told me she decided not to go to Pennsic this year because she wants/needs to spend more time with her new boyfriend, whose father is dying in Florida. So I said OK, because ... what else am I going to say? I don't think she is as emotionally invested in SCA-land as I am. Maybe she thought Pennsic was more like a Pagan festival. She's still my neighbor and friend, of course, and I reassured her that she's still welcome at Monday night dance practice.
I had hoped a little that I would be able to leave my car with the boy toy so he won't be so antsy to get out of the house after a week of no wheels. But we live on a bus line, so he'll just have to deal. And I won't have to worry that T.V.P. will want to leave before I'm ready to leave.
AAAnnnndddd... the news of the shooting at the Gilroy Garlic Festival is breaking on CNN. Boy toy went to high school in Morgan Hill, maybe 10 miles north of Gilroy, so he's told me all about the Garlic Festival. Thank goodness he's not there now. And, yeah, I do NOT need extra worries whether the local chuckleheads are going to lob something more dangerous than water balloons over the Pennsic fence....
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