
Apr 03, 2004 00:56

Have you...
1. Fallen for your best friend? ...yes
2. Made out with JUST a friend? too many times, haha
3. Been rejected? a lot
4. Been in love? yes, but im beginning to think only once, cuz the first feeling was soo much weaker than the second
5. Used someone? no.
6. Been used? no doubt in my mind
7. Been Kissed? yes, many much times
8. Done something you regret? yes

Who was the last person...
9. You touched? Stephen
10. You talked to? NIKI!
11. You hugged? my aunt alexis
12. You instant messaged? NIKI!
13. You kissed? stephen
14. You had sex with? no.
15. You yelled at? stephen
16. You laughed with?: Niki
17. Who broke your heart? Stephen
18. Who told you they loved you? Justin....

Do you...
19. Color your hair? i did like a few days ago, but it washed out
20. Have tattoos? not yet
21. Have piercings? not yet
22. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? not anymore
23. Own a webcam? no
24. Own a thong? yes... a few
25. Ever get off the computer? i dont have one, im always off it
26. Sprechen sie deutsche? no i dont speak german... at least i think im responding right..
27. Habla espanol? NO i dont speak spanish either
28. Quack? hahaha no justin does that though, hes a duck

Have you / Do you / Are you...
29. Stolen anything? yeahhhh
30. Smoke? sometimes, i made promises not to, and i try not to, i havent in a while.
31. Schizophrenic? no
32. Obsessive? yes.
33. Compulsive? some things
34. Obsessive compulsive? sometimes
35. Panic? always, theyre sooo random
37. Depressed? a lot.
38. Suicidal? not lately
39. Obsessed with hate? i dont hate anyone
40. Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death? no.

41. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? stephens, his house is so god damn comfortable!
42. Can you do anything freakish with your body? i dont THINK so.
43. What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others? eyes
44. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president? no, even though im a woman and all, i think women are a lot less stable, so it would be a really bad idea.
45. Would you marry for money? no
46. Have you had braces? no
47. Do you pluck your eyebrows? no, i havent in a long time and simone gets mad at me, they arent bad, just some strays that only simone would notice
48. Do you like hairy backs? thats, precious... ::cringe::
49. When was the last time you had a hickey? surprisingly enough, never had one..
50. Could you live without a computer? IM AMISH, I DONT EVEN HAVE ONE, IM NOT HOME!!
51. Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc: yes
52. If so, how many people are on your list(s)? 183
53. If you could live in any past, where would it be? 20s, before the depression
54. Do you wear white socks? sometimes?
55. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off? both.
56. Your favorite fruit? raspberrys!!!
57. Do you eat wheat bread or white?: both
58. What is your favorite place to visit?: Turks and Caicos -- haha its the only place beside las vegas and atlantic city ive been
59. What is the last movie you saw? i havent watched one in a while, but ill say moulin rouge?
60. Do you kiss on the first date? yea
61. Are you photogenic? no.
62. Do you dream in color or black and white? color, sometimes i have weird half and half dreams though
63. Are you wearing fingernail polish? no
64. Is it chipped or fresh?: no
65. Do you have any dimples? no.
66. Do you remember being born? no
67. Why do you take surveys? sheer boredom
68. Do you drink alcohol? yesssss.. whenever i can, its a nice feeling drunkeness, ive needed it for a good week.
70. What is the best accent? english, like georgina english, haha
71. Who do you want to kiss? stephen, that goes without saying
72. Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most? sunrise, its a great feeling
73. Do you want to live to be 100? No
74. Is appearance important to you? yes, but not TOO important
75. Do you or have you played with a quija board? no
76. Are you loyal?: too.
77. Are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs?: very
78. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off? OFF
79. Do you like your nose? umm, i think so? there's nothing wrong with it, but i dont look in the mirror and say "wow my nose is HOT!"
80. Do you think you can draw well? no
81. At what age did you find out that Santa Clause wasn't real? 5
82. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet? a lot, and i wear like 4
83. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety? depends on the week
84. Do you snore? nope
86. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides?: stomach
87. Cats/Dogs?: cats -- i forgot they existed in the other survey, but i like cats.
88. Do you lick stamps? no
89. Do you use an electric can opener? no, i AM amish
90. Have you ridden in a hotair balloon? nope, but that would be really cool, NOW I WANNA DO THAT!!

Random ...
91. Like your name? a lot
92. Were you named after anyone? No
93. Do you wish on stars? no.. never thought of it either
94. Which finger is your favorite? ring
95. When did you last cry? this morning
96. Do you like your handwriting? no, its horrible
97. Who do you admire? people with the strength to be okay in a few days.
98. What is the #1 priority in your life? college.. i think.
99.what is your favorite lunchmeat? CHICKEN!! WHOEVER DECIDED IT WAS A GOOD IDEA IS GODLY!
100. Any bad habits? biting nails, and some others.
101. What is your favorite animal? fox, my power animal, no doubt a fox.
102. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself? no, i try to be as nice as i can, but i dont think im an appealing person, so chances are id ignore myself.
103. Are you a daredevil?: no... i still have my eyesight thank you.
104. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? yes.... that was a mistake.
105. Have you ever stolen anything? yes
106. Do looks matter? a little.
107. Have you ever miss used a word and it sounded absolutely stupid? yesss
108. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? no
109. Do fish have feelings? well everything feels, like if a fish got cut, it wouldnt be able to swim that good, so they GOTTA feel it hurting
110. Are you trendy? i dont know, maybe?
111. How do you release anger? running, and i horrible other alternative
112. Where is your second home? simones house, and papa skiesings house, and it WAS stephens house, and i MISS IT
113. Do you trust others easily? i try to trust everyone
114. What was your favorite toy as a child? a stuffed bear i named snowflake..
115. What class in school do you think is useless? math after a certain amount of time, and science
116. Do you like sappy love songs? sometimes
117. Have you ever been on radio or television? no
118. Do you have a journal? yep
119. Do you use sarcasm a lot? yep
120. Have you ever been in another country? no, i wish
121. What do you look for in a guy/girl? intelligence, sweetness.. etc.
122. What is/are your nickname(s)? candy, candle, some other crap i cant think of.
123. Would you bungee jump? sure
124. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? no
125. What are you worried about right now? whats going to become of my friendship with stephen, if we can even be friends, if he hates me, im so scared, and i couldnt give you a specific reason
126. Do you ever wear overalls? no
127. Do you think you are strong? im feeble
128. What's your least favorite thing in the world? love
129. How many wisdom teeth do you have? umm, yes?
130. What would you change about yourself? everything
131. Who are the people you care most about?: Stephen, Simone, Kevin, Joe, Jackie, Justin, Ashley, Tom, Strebel
132. I see: my cell phone
133. I need: to feel okay
134. I find: sadness
135. I have: a problem
136. I wish: I was sane
137. I love: do i really have to tell you?
138. I hate: depression, but i have it
139. I miss: oceanside
140. I fear: life
142. I hear: "nine bottles" a honeycomb commercial
144. I wonder: why im not worth anything
145. I regret: living?
146. What will you do now? i dont know.
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