I ventured out onto a few episode threads in the place that I won't name, just to see what's the initial reaction to Smallville S10. It's mixed and yet there's the same bullshit.
Just a quick edit, as I really DO NOT intend to stir up trouble, just ranting and raving.
Mods are letting the hate threads stay open.
From Lazarus:
- Heroic or Foolish? Is a poll and discussion about Chloe's actions in Lazarus. Pretty heavy on the Chloe bashing, with the ridiculous assertion that had she just told Clark, he could have blurred into save Oliver in a few seconds.. him not knowing anything about anything. Whatever. At least there is an OTHER option to vote.
- Chloe's gonna DIE! You can almost here the cackling, evil laughter behind this one. Chloe bashing by wait for it, new poster who's made one post.. this poll. Not much discussion here, just an example of what's there.
From Shield:
- Is Oliver the weakest link in the series? This poll includes a Sometimes AND Other too. Please...Needless to say, it should be all Marcia, Marcia... I mean CLARK, CLARK all the time. Mods have let it go, along with snide cracks at Chloe, calling her the weakest link; total Chloe vs. Lois bashing off topic, and massive Oliver hate.
- Did Chloe forget about Jimmy? Not a poll, just a discussion about The Letter. To be fair at least some of the bashers have acknowledged that it's TPTB who have forgotten "Jimmy" - not wanting to reopen the festering wound of FAIL! by mentioning his name. But it's deteriorated into a bash Chloe fest.. everyone allows to trash her relationships across the board, go pretty off topic and dis Oliver too. But so long as they're dissing on Chloe, kinda a free for all. I don't mind healthy criticism or a difference of opinion, but some goes too far IMO.
You don't get more flamey than some of this stuff, but when someone cries WRONG to someone else's opinion it dissolves into a war. Many a troll have been allowed to jump in, post an anti-Chloe or anti-Oliver hate drivel pretty much totally off topic and it's still there. Seen a few mod edits, but not a lot.
Posts on Clark.
- Is Clark showing too much pride? This one really disagrees with Jor-El's crap, just another poll from Lazarus that I checked out just to see the tone of it.
- Clark & Ollie scene. This is just a discussion about that last scene in Shield, and I am surprised that it's been allowed to develop as such.. almost anti-Clark. Or at least, the somewhat critical posts haven't been flamed or edited yet. It's actually a fairly healthy, give and take about that scene. A little impressed by it, from all sides... a pretty decent debate. Shocker.
I've ignored some and walked around and do what I do: agree with the Chlollie fans but also.. sometimes take on the haters' posts to my own devices. Much of what they post belie the "Clark is better, Chloe sucks, Oliver is useless" crap .. and I try to represent Chlollie in a positive way.
Question for current and former [edited] members: do I PM a mod and ask why they've left such "discussion" threads open when clearly they're about hating and bashing? Or will I make it worse? I suspect what's there now pales in comparison to some older stuff.
IDK... I'll keep voting the Chloe, Oliver and Chlollie way.. even if I don't always comment, mix it up with the haters. I like talking Chlollie and discussing the show in general .. and laugh at my own naivete that I am STILL surprised by the bias that goes on over on a "general" fan site. Anyway just rambling thoughts as Chlollie has taken over my brain, got me hooked on SV again. ;-)