Jul 26, 2006 15:28
It figures. The week I'm actually strapped for cash is one where I actually get a large number of comics off my pull list. I mean I had to put the She-Dragon one-shot back in my box untill Friday...
Also in is another one-shot, Astro City Special. In it we get to meet Samaritan's arch-enemy, Infidel. They have a pleasant dinner with conversation...
Then we go to the ongoing stuff, starting with the new Loveless. You've got a new Sheriff and that means that you get a horrific murder. Its one of them rules or guidelines or just an old tradition...
Then over in PS238 a couple more of the "normal" students are outed as having powers. Plus Ambriel goes around haunting the place...
Next up is Powers in which super-heroes have sex, super-heroes beat up robots and super-heroes get murdered. So pretty typical issue I guess...
And then we've got the debut of the Fables spin-off Jack of Fables. Where Jack gets captured by a group that isn't part of the Fabletown exiles or the Advesary. Where he meets an old villian...
And in the new issue of Battle Pope his Most Holyness obsesses over a girl, tells a bed time story and has sex so freaky I want to spork my brain to get it out of my memory...
Lastly we finish up with a new FEAR Agent where Green Monkey Men fight Killer Robots who fight Floaty Brain Beasts. After that Heath has another Bad Day...