Feb 19, 2015 17:38
After various delays our group managed to get together for a game session. With me running a short-term Paranoia campaign before getting back to Pathfinder. I was a little worried that with only the roommate out of the five players being familiar with the game, the dark humor and light rules knowledge wouldn't go over and even had a back-up game. But the all jumped right into the silly names, the intentionally working at cross-purposes and secretiveness. All five of them managed to get a use for their mutant power without getting caught. One player died five times and had his last clone exiled. And only one player managed to avoid death thanks to being able to survive a drunk driving crash. AND they even managed to complete their primary mission and secondary mission thanks to the creative use of an ancient Furby. Plus bonus for me, the nefarious Bo-Y-RDE remains as their current suprevisor...