More things I can't post on facebook.

Jan 11, 2013 11:31

"The great beauty of the Second Amendment is that I definitely foresaw such developments as automatic weapons, bullets with gunpowder already in them, sniper rifles, machine guns, extended clips, and the formation of a group of citizens who train regularly and are prepared to take up arms against our nation's enemy should the need arise, but also have taken basic training and will neither embark on murderous rampages in densely-packed urban environments nor accidentally shoot anyone, up to and including their damned fool selves." I'm pretty sure that's something Thomas Jefferson said. He also said "Read the actual Constitution so that you can see that the entire Second Amendment relates only to the formation and perpetuation of a civilian militia, better known today as the National Guard. Since we no longer have a draft, ordinary citizens do not have the duty or right to bear arms in the name of their country unless they join a branch of the Armed Forces. For God's sake, I live in a state where any idiot can carry a gun around in public without any sort of permit, oversight, or regulation! I'll sleep so much better at night, knowing that my neighbors could conceivably get themselves or me killed because they never had to take any sort of firearms safety course, and could very well get someone killed because they don't know to unload their motherfucking gun before they clean it!

Fuck! Why did I have to go to high school with a bunch of idiots who ran off and joined the Tea Party when I wasn't looking! Seriously, some dumber-than-shit pro-gun "inspirational" quote from some dead rich white landowner who died before the Industrial Revolution was a gleam in Babbage's eye that was, no joke, shared from the official Tea Party facebook page, which said former classmate apparently follows, and I just . . No. I never should've friended my NRA-member relatives, because I don't want to make any waves, but shit like this is not okay. It does not follow. At all. Why the fuck does anyone think some "inspirational" dead guy's opinion about flintlock pistols ha an place in a debate about uzis and RPGs?

I am so bitching about this to all my sane friends.

i hate everyone, rl problems, opinions! i have them

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