Jul 01, 2011 14:46
Main character girl:
Doesn't have a name yet. She's a foundling baby taken in by nuns, though, so it should be something super nunny, like Scholastica or St.-John-of-the-Cross.
It will be set . . . somewhere in Europe . . . some time between 1100 and 1500 (but no bubonic plague. That's a whole 'nother story right there).
So as part of Charity/Sts. Peter and Paul/whatever saint's feastday it was when the nuns found her's tragical past and origin story and whatnot is that . . . She's half-vampire! Dun dun DUNN!!
Dhampirs aren't a new idea, but it seems awfully convenient how most of them have all of a vampire's strengths, but not its weaknesses. So to balance it out (and in hopes of warding off Mary Sue-ness), I want to make a dhampir that has no special powers, but vampire weaknesses. It's not as strong: What's-Her-Face is weaker during the day and gets painful sores when exposed to direct sunlight, but she can ford very shallow water and, if anything, is strengthened by religious symbols and the Eucharist.
Physically, she is very frail and doesn't get out of bed much. She spends her days praying, reading, and doing small chores such as sewing, spinning and whittling. (Riveting, I know.)
Ha! And she only got a 13 on the Mary Sue litmus test! I'm in the green so far, baby!!
Symbolic Symbolism of Symbology! She could be foundlinged on JUNE 24, the feast of St. John the Baptist AND the sanitized Summer Solstice! Because, like the SUN! It kills vampires with warmth and shiny happy thing! And it's clunky and religious-sounding!! She could be named, like, JohnBaptist or something. (If she were French, she could be Jeanne-Baptiste, if it actually worked that way.)
Or, like, I dunno . . .
Ooh, and she could be all having-St.-John-as-my-patron-saint-y and wanting-to-be-a-Nazirite-y
Famous St. John B quotes: "Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world" and "He must increase, and I must decrease."
Other possibilities: June 28, St. Irenaeus, 2nd century bishop and theologian extraordinaire
June 29, Sts. Peter and Paul (just because I think it'd be a funny name.)
July 11, St. Benedict (how topical! Also, could get some mileage out of "blessing") Twin St. Scholastica died Feb. 10 (could explain by saying baby was found on 7/11 and looked abt 5 months old, so nun humor)
ya fiction,
twilight sucks,
thinky thoughts