(no subject)

Sep 18, 2011 18:47

Every time I try to watch the Star Wars sequels, I just notice more and more things that suck. And not even from a "JOO RAP3D MY CHILDH00D!!!!11!ONE!" perspective, just the directing and the editing and the dated CGI and the meandering crappy plot that mostly consists of people standing around talking about things that are never shown onscreen. Things like "Anakin is interesting!" and "Things are happening, we promise!" Also, the action scenes have less dramatic tension and suspense than the video game cut scenes they look like.

Also also, the characters in the books are way better! Just, you know, disregard all the Yuuzhan Vong stuff. Except "The Final Prophecy" and those two books by Aaron Allston. Those were good. Also, a bunch of those early ones like "The Crystal Star" never happened. Got it? Never. Happened.

Also also also, Ben Skywalker is the best protagonist ever, because he's not a Joseph Campbell Reluctant Chosen One with a Thousand Faces. He's proactive and competent, which is uncommon for Fantasy/Adventure novels starring young adults. (This is also why I love Keladry Mindelan, Tim Drake, and Jaime Reyes.) Unlike Jacen, whose emo bellyaching and navel-gazing IN THE MIDDLE OF A PAN-GALACTIC INVASION annoyed the everloving piss out of me.

george lucas needs an editor with actual, comics, star wars, the reason you suck, thinky thoughts

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