I finally got to talk to jenny, not in real life but over AIM! I was so excited to hear from her, and than today I got her letter. I am writing backright now and I am also gonna triple check the address to make sure ti goes there this time, because damnit that is stupid of me. I messed up on the address twice, either that or my writing is to ugly for them to read. But it was so nice to hear from you jenny, and I swear this letter will go through. I have decidedt hat without a doubt I am gonna go visit her, but it needs to be after the twelfth of August, that way I can go alone. So we can talk about that, and I might even be able to visit before that, I guess. It doesnt matter to me. I just want to see you, it has been so boring around here.
On to a bit more gloomy news, I have a question, Where is the point of losing all respect for a friend? What if you have tried to help them and trust them and they turn around and use you? Should you be upset and disgusted or should you talk it out? Well, my friend has done something similar to this before, and I cant deal with it, I dont like the person they have become. And neither does other people, I dont wanna name names because I am not sure. But what they did was a complete and total act of insincerity. And not did they do it once, but twice. And that proves too me that we arent friends, but I am a tool in there life that makes it easier on them. When they broke up with the one person they "loved" who was right there the whole time? I was. When she was having bad days who was right there? I was. And when things couldnt have gotten any worse for them, who was right there? I was. And when they were having the time of her life and things couldnt go any better, who was there? I was. But now that I have hit a dry spot and am not doing to good(aside from hearing from Jenny) who is there? Not them. They are off with there other friends, there better friends. And I honestly have some friends like brent and jenny and chris, that I could hangout with all the time, and would never get sick of them. And that is all I want out of a friendship, to be able to talk to them, relate to them and generally be with them and have a good time no matter what we are doing. Sure it can be kinda boring at times with anybody, but than there is the times when you have done something wrong. I have done them, everyone has, but if you learn from that mistake that is what is important. And doing it twice to somebody and disrespecting them after all they have tried to give you, that is what draws the lines in my book. That is what makes me mad. And all of this has made me wonder, just what is the meaning of a friendship? Physically it is being able to talk to the person, be around them and have a general good time no matter what you do. But what is it emotionally? Is it a second connection of people? Is it really another degree of love?
I know that I would be willing to help out my friends whenever necessary. So maybe there are two platforms of relationships. The lower one, is a common relationship on which two or more people connect on certain grounds and have an emotional chemistry to where they are comfortable being around eachother. And that is known as "friendship", but the top platform is love, it is a bit more rare and it only happens between two people, and they connect on a level that makes them love each other not just mentally, but physically, and that is what makes love... well love. And friends connect on another level completely, they will never reach that next level, and anybody that does marry there friend. They were already on that level, just too blind to see it. So maybe I am right, maybe I am wrong, maybe I need to shutup, but one thing is for sure, dont disrespect friends, because they might just snap back.
Anyways my forums are still open to anyone that wants to register and talk on them, they are kinda boring but later they wont be, they will be great. Alright I will see you all later and remember, be safe, use condiments.
EDIT:Another question, might I be a doormat? COuld someone give me an honest opinion?
Double edit:
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