Prompt: High School AU

Mar 18, 2011 11:09

I secretly have a thing for high school AUs. But just about every Luke/Reid high school AU I've read has Reid as the uber-cool school rebel and Luke as his shy, good boy admirer.

What I want is something that's a little more in tune with the show.

I'd love a high-school AU where Luke is the socially popular jock who likes to write and Reid is the normally self-confident nerdy loner who becomes a babbling mess of hormones at Luke in his basketball uniform. Bonus points if both boys are already out.

To get what I mean, I'm going to quote from mech-bull's fic Consult.

"Luke paused for a moment. “What kind of guys did you like in high school?”

“Jocks. Dumb ones. I’d do their science homework, and they’d be so grateful, they’d - ”

“Be serious.”

Reid smirked. After a beat, he began to talk quietly. “It wasn’t until college that I really started to develop any sort of confidence when it came to things like that. I think that’s true for a lot of people. I was kind of quiet in high school. Not to say I didn’t smart off to people, because I did, but I was mostly just - really studious. Plus I skipped a couple grades, so I was younger than everyone else. I didn’t know how to make friends. I still don’t. So…I liked people who were different from me, somehow. Who were nice or popular or athletic, or who struggled with their grades, or whose parents maybe weren’t quite so successful and impossible to please. There was this one guy who everyone liked. I don’t mean they were all crushing on him, just - everyone liked him. He did things for people without them asking, and he stood up for kids who got picked on, and he was just amazing.”

Luke stared at Reid, amused. “You’re babbling.”

Reid snorted. “I know. I’m sorry. It’s like the Attack of the Science Nerd Guy." He hesitated, then added, "I’m just trying to explain why I would have been crazy about you in high school.”"


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