Promt: Love and other drugs...

Mar 14, 2011 00:27

Right now I am in the middle of watching the movie "Love and Other Drugs" and a plot bunny just jumped me. *pets plot bunny*

I would love to see a fic where Luke is a traveling Drug rep. from a pharmaceutical company coming to the facility Reid runs in Dallas. Luke would of course have to meet with Dr. Oliver to get him to start prescribing the pharmaceuticals from the company Luke works for. Reid would be all "hell no, I'm not pushing your expensive crap on my patients, just so your company can make a buck!" Luke being Luke is of course very persistent, and shows up at the facility whenever he's in the area. Lots and lots of UST between Luke and Reid that of course ends in RST. *grin*

It would even be cool of Luke's kidney issues would be addressed some way, like, maybe after a while, Reid has come to look forward to and expect Luke's monthly sales visit or whatever, and Luke is a no show because he's in the hospital. At first Reid doesn't think too much of it, but after a while he becomes worried, so he calls the company Luke works for, since he can't reach Luke. He gives the company some BS story about the hospital expecting some drug samples from Luke, and they tell Reid that Luke is on sick leave because he's in the hospital. Or maybe Luke is admitted to Reid's hospital...?

I could also easily see Reid teaching Luke, who actually doesn't really enjoy his job but does it because he thinks he can't do anything else, that he could use his amazing sales talent in other ways than selling overpriced pharmaceuticals, like maybe as a fund-raiser for a hospital or something :)

ETA: You could even make Damien or Lucinda the owner of the pharmaceutical company, as a reason for why Luke is in that business in the first place.

By the by, I am not suggesting a full rip off of the movie, that's def. not what I want.

Any takers?


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