Tennis Talk

Sep 13, 2010 01:14

Title: Tennis Talk
Author: Amber
Summary: Luke's dismayed when the men's final is delayed. Reid takes care of him.
Rating: NC-17
Notes: Luke and Reid have their own apartment.

"No! Fuck!" Luke yelled. He stared at his monitor in horror. He constantly refreshed the page, hoping for a different result. But it was futile. Luke stood up quickly, shoving the chair back underneath his desk roughly.

He stormed through his apartment, a whirlwind of rage. He paused in the doorway, regarding Reid's sleeping form. His boyfriend slept on his stomach, hands sprawled out across the mattress. Luke knew from personal experience that Reid was naked. He crossed his arms, and exhaled shakily. He struggled to find some restraint.

He failed.

"Reid!" he wailed. "The men's final has been postponed!"

Reid woke immediately, rolling over in a smooth motion.

"What?" he mumbled sleepily. "What's happening?" He sat up, the sheet slumping against his torso, revealing his firm chest. On autopilot, he climbed out of bed, striding towards Luke.

"Babe?" he asked, putting a hand on Luke's shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Luke rolled his eyes, and glared at Reid. Ordinarily he would have been distracted by the sight of Reid's naked body, but this was serious. This was tennis.

"I said," he declared, a quiver of a whine building in his voice. "The men's final has been postponed! Until tomorrow!"

Reid blinked in disbelief. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to keep his composure.

Awoken from a sound sleep for a tennis freakout, he thought wearily. Are you fucking kidding me?

Reid looked into Luke's eyes, which were actually verging on tears.

"So what happened, then?" he asked gently.

"It rained!" Luke yelled. "It's been fucking raining all day! But did the website update us to tell us the match was delayed?" He shook his head furiously. "Don't even answer that! It didn't! It's been stuck on the same page for three fucking hours. 'Light rain will delay play for 60 minutes.' I've been watching the freaking Djokovic/Federer match for over an hour! Now don't get me wrong - that was an amazing match. The best I've ever seen. But this - " His voice rose to a fever pitch, and Reid couldn't help but recall his anger the night of Noah's surgery.

His jaw clenched in remembered lust. He tried to maintain his focus on Luke's rant.

"This?" he asked, stepping a little closer. He ran his right hand up and down Luke's arm.

"This is - this is Rafa Nadal! If he wins this match, he'll complete the career slam! How can they do this to me?" Luke stopped talking, crimson color standing out on his cheeks.

Reid's mouth quirked in a small smile.

"Luke," he said softly. "The tournament has no control over the weather. Plus, you know Rafa. He'll come out tomorrow, all pent up energy, and blow Nole off the court. Right?"

Luke blinked, watching Reid closely. "Right," he echoed, in disbelief. "But -"

Reid impatiently put his hand over Luke's mouth. He held it there, glaring at Luke in sullen silence. A thread of desire electrified him.

"I'm naked, you know." he said huskily. "Do you really want to keep talking about tennis?"

Reid watched in amusement as his lover's eyes widened. Luke shook his head. He stuck his tongue out, licking Reid's palm.

Reid smirked, and threaded his fingers through Luke's.

"Good," he said. "Now come with me."

He led Luke to the bed. Luke lunged forward and grabbed Reid from behind. His hands settled on his stomach, teasing.

"Reid," he whispered, nibbling on Reid's earlobe.

Reid felt the heat of Luke's body through his clothes. He wiggled out of Luke's hands, and cupped his face. Their kiss was slow and languid, but left both men breathless.

"Yes, Luke?" he murmured.

"No more talking."

They fell back onto the bed, hands roaming along their bodies. Reid grabbed Luke's hair and tugged. Luke regarded Reid with surprise.

"Hey, that's my move." he said.

Reid shrugged. He kissed Luke deeply, exploring his mouth with his tongue. He pulled away slightly, content to breathe in Luke's air.

"Take off your clothes," he ordered.

Luke undressed quicker than Reid had ever seen. Within moments, he lay naked on the bed.

Their lovemaking was passionate and frantic. Reid quickly tired of teasing, and jerked Luke off with practiced ease. As his hands explored his lover's body, he bent forward and murmured, "Mr. Snyder, I have a confession to make."

"What?" Luke panted. "Reid -"

Reid put Luke's legs on top of his shoulders and smirked down at his gasping boyfriend.

"I love it," he stroked Luke's thighs smoothly, nearing his entrance.

"Love - what?" Luke's words were breathless and unfocused.

"I love it when you talk tennis." Reid growled.

!author|artist: tuckatangent, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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