Fic: The Art of Sandwich Making

Sep 13, 2010 02:06

Title: The Art of Sandwich Making
Author: hugocabret
Pairing: Luke/Reid
Word Count: 4686
Summary/Prompt: Casey is curious to know if Reid smokes marijuana due to his high intake of sandwiches and junk food. Luke inquires and finds out some interesting facts about his boyfriend.
Author's note: Something I have been wanting to write for awhile. I DO NOT CONDONE ILLEGAL DRUG USE OF ANY KIND. THESE ARE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS DOING HYPOTHETICAL DRUG USE Hopefully this story is ok to post considering the show does talk about drug use (cough Faith couch) If you are offended by this please DO NOT READ.
Disclaimer: THIS STORY CONTAINS DRUG USE. not my characters, all mistakes are mine.

“Dude! Over here!” Casey calls out as Luke walks over to his table at Java. “Long time, no see man, what’s up?”

Luke takes his seat across from Casey. Ever since he had started seeing Reid, he had not had much time to see his friends. Reid occupied most of his free time and while running a foundation and a huge shipping company, making time to see friends was getting rather difficult.

“I am great Case, how are you?”

“Been working like a dog. I’ve started seeing Alison again.”

“That’s amazing.”

“Yeah dude, it just great to get laid regularly again.”

“You’re gross.”

“Nope, just a red-blooded man. And I do love her, just don’t tell anybody yet, we haven’t said it to each other yet…this time around.”

“Lips are sealed.” Luke said as he ran his pinched fingers across his lips.

“So how are you and Dr. Oliver?”

“You can call him Reid.”

“Nahh, too scared he’ll hear me.”

Luke laughed. Casey was pretty ridiculous sometimes.

“Since we are on the subject, you know, I have a theory...about your doctor boyfriend.” Casey said, he quickly looked around before leaning in closer to Luke.

“Oh lord Casey what is it?”

“I think your boyfriend might be a huge stoner.”

“What? Casey, seriously, you have reached a whole new level. He’s a fucking brain surgeon for God’s sake.”

“Well, maybe not now, but he used to be.”

“And how do you figure that?”

“You’ve seen those sandwiches he makes. It just screams munchies. And how he is always looking and finding and eating junk food. He totally used to smoke the kush.”

“Casey, I cannot believe you are saying this! Reid is responsible and mature and definitely not a pothead. I have no idea where you get these ideas.”

“Whatever man, I was just thinking…”

“Which is always dangerous as you’ve just proved.”

“As I was saying…I was just thinking that you should ask him. Casually of course. I have a $100 bet going on at the hospital and I could really use the money.”

“You’re crazy Casey; he’ll kill me if I ask him such a dumb question.”

“Snyder…between you and me, sex is really good stoned. I don’t know if that changes anything.”

“It doesn’t.”

“Well, now that I got that out. How is everything else in your life?”

Luke had to laugh at how quickly Casey could change the subject. He had missed seeing his friends and his visit with Casey was just that reminder. He tried to push what Casey had said out of the forefront of his mind but it just kept sneaking back in there.

Luke and Casey finished up their little get together as it was getting late and Reid would be off work soon.

“Always a pleasure Case.”

“I’ll seeya in six months?”

“Shut up.”

“Whatever Snyder.” Casey laughed as he walked in the direction of Memorial, probably picking up Alison.

As Luke got in his car he just smiled to himself. How could Casey ever think that Reid did drugs. He went to freaking Harvard med school. He was a brilliant brain surgeon. This was impossible. But then he really started to think about it. Reid did love to eat. Maybe it was a habit he picked up and never could get rid of. I mean, any smoker would die for one of his sandwiches. Maybe he created them back in the day. Not to mention all the snacks he ate. They had more bags of chips and candy than anybody they knew, and that included people with kids. Maybe Casey was onto something, as far fetched as it was.

“You’re home early.” Luke said as he walked through the door to their place. Reid was already in the kitchen, putting together a massive sandwich -his pre-dinner snack.

“Surgery went faster than planned, because I am a super genius.” Reid said as he placed the top onto his sandwich. He pushed down on the massive sandwich and he watched it spring back into place. Unsatisfied with the size, Reid took the top back off and added a couple more layers of meat. “Perfect” he whispered under his breath to himself. Luke could not help but laugh. After his conversation with Casey, this scene was the perfect one to walk in on.

Luke walked over to Reid, he wanted to kiss him before the first bite, or else he would lose Reid for at least five minutes.

Reid had barely lifted the sandwich up to his mouth when Luke yelled out.


“What? I was just about to take a bite!”

“Put the sandwich down.” Luke demanded.

Reid wanted to disobey as he brought the sandwich closer to his mouth.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

“Oh really…” Reid smirked as he lowered the sandwich.

Luke was now close enough that he grabbed the back of Reid’s head and pulled him into a hard kiss. Luke ran his tongue along the bottom of Reid’s lip; he wanted him to open his mouth, which Reid did. Luke let the kiss go on a bit longer before pulling back.

“What was that for?”

“Nothing, just wanted to make sure you loved me more than that sandwich.” Luke said with a smile. Reid sat down in a chair at their island and Luke followed behind him after getting a glass of water.

“Seriously? You are already half way done with that sandwich! You just started!” Luke said. He had noticed Reid’s weird eating habits before, but now he was hypersensitive to them after Casey’s theory.

“Yeah, I made a 10 biter…no big deal.”

“You have them based off how many bites it takes.”
“It’s a science Luke, you wouldn’t understand.”

Luke watched as Reid took another bite. It was crazy, but Luke guessed that he had about four bites left. This was outta control.

Watching Reid eat that sandwich only made Luke want to know if Casey’s theory was true. He figured there was really no harm in asking. They knew almost everything about each other’s life anyways.


“Yeah?” Reid responded with a mouth full of sandwich.

“Have you ever smoked weed before?”

Reid almost spit his sandwich out…almost (he would never waste a good sandwich on something like that).

“Luke, where is this coming from…why do you want to try or something?”

“No and…”

“And what?”

“I never really thought about it before.” It was true, he had never really been into that scene, not in high school or college. Not that he had not been offered it before.

“It’s not that bad? Why are you asking?”

“So you’ve done it.”

“Yeah, I mean who hasn’t at least tried it?”

“When did you do it?”

“I did it a lot in college.”

“What’s a lot?”

“Luke, why do you want to know?”

“No reason.”

“Yeah, I guess you could say a lot.”


“Luke, I am a fucking genius, sometimes, I just wanted to calm my brain down. Plus when I was in college it was more socially acceptable then it is now. Everybody did it.”

“Did it affect your school work?”

“Luke, genius, remember?”

“You know what I mean.”

“No, I was responsible about it and did it when I knew I could, like after homework and tests, before parties, with friends.”

“Is that where you got your eating habits from?”

Reid laughed. He had not ever really thought about it before, but his love of sandwiches and the art of making them did come from when he used to smoke.

“I guess.”

“How are you so nonchalant about this?”

“I don’t know because I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. Do you?”

“No!” Luke protested “I just didn’t know this about you.”

“Don’t get defensive.” Reid said as he popped the last bit of sandwich into his mouth. Luke had been counting it was exactly ten bites.

“I’m not.”

“Good.” Reid got up out of his chair and walked over to the sink and placed his dish in it. “I’m exhausted, can we just spend the rest of the night in bed.”

“That’s exactly what I want.” Luke said as he got out of his chair and followed Reid into the bedroom.


Although he was all cuddled up on Reid’s side and they were lazily watching TV in bed, Luke’s thoughts were going a mile a minute. He kept trying to picture a college bound Reid stoned and he could not quite figure it out. He was so intrigued…and he was even more intrigued by the fact that Casey said sex was amazing. He could not help but wonder how good it really was.


A week had passed since Luke had asked Reid about his prior habit and Reid hadn’t brought up the subject since then but Luke had a feeling Reid was plotting something. Reid was always plotting something.


“Reid, I’m home.” Luke announced as he walked into their house. He noticed Reid sitting on the couch hunched over the coffee table. “What the hell are you doing?!”

Reid popped his head up.

“Rolling a joint.” He responded nonchalantly as he brought the paper up to his mouth and before licking the edge and expertly sealing it shut. It was like riding a bike he thought to himself.

“I can see that.” Luke said, still standing dumbfounded in the doorway.

“Your little chat last week got me thinking…and missing my glory days in college and figured, it wouldn’t hurt to do it just one more time before closing that door to my life shut.”

Luke was finally able to move from his shock and sat next to Reid on the couch. He wasn’t a prude when it came to drugs he just never expected that this would ever happen.

“Reid, don’t you think this is a bit irresponsible?”

“I have tonight and tomorrow off.”

“Where did you even get it?”

“Luke, I work at a hospital.”

“I’ve never done it before.”

“So you’re going to do it with me…?” Reid smirked at Luke as he leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips.

“Yeah.” Luke responded into Reid’s lips. “Should I be nervous?”

“You’ll love it.” Reid said before quickly giving Luke a peck on the lips before hopping off the couch. He set the joint down on the coffee table and walked over to a drawer in the kitchen, scrimmaging around for a lighter.

Luke picked the joint up in his hand and gave it a look over. He couldn’t help but notice how tight and perfect it looked, and he had never held one in his hand before. He had been around it before, back in high school Kevin and some of his old friends used to do it but he usually just excused himself from the room. He even hated to say it, but it smelled pretty good.

Reid walked back over and set the lighter down on the table before plopping down next to Luke.

“You might want to change into something more comfortable than a suit.” Reid said. Luke noticed that Reid was already in a pair of worn out grey sweatpants and a maroon Harvard t-shirt.

“Yeah, ok.” Luke said getting up from the couch. “You’ll wait for me right?”


Luke walked over to the bedroom and quickly changed out of his suit. He grabbed a pair of Reid’s sweatpants (they were much more comfortable than his) and a Memorial Neuro Wing T-shirt that he had made for Reid when the wing first opened. As he walked backed out to Reid who was just chilling on the couch, he thought to himself how he couldn’t believe how is day had started and now how it was going to end. Not in a million years did he ever think this was going to happen…it was then when Casey’s last words sparked back into his head.

“Damn, you look really hot.” Reid said as Luke stood in front of him.

“Reid.” Luke blushed.

“Ready?” Reid said as he patted the seat next to him on the couch. As Luke got closer and started to sit down, Reid grabbed him by his waist and pulled him on top of him. Luke laughed as Reid gave him a hard kiss on the lips. Luke loved when Reid did unexpected things like that.

Reid finally released Luke from his grips and Luke straightened himself back up on the couch.

Reid brought the joint up to his nose and he smelled it before bringing it to his lips.

“Ok, just watch.”

Luke nodded as he watched Reid bring the joint to his lips. He handed Reid the lighter and Reid lit the end. He watched the end slowly burn as Reid inhaled. Reid’s eyes widened as he kept inhaling before pulling the joint out and handing it to Luke.

He kept watching Luke as he kept the smoke in his lungs for a bit before slowly releasing the smoke, blowing it in Luke’s face.

“So smooth.” Reid gave as a relaxed reply. He watched as Luke tentatively brought it to his lips. “Just suck lightly and try and hold it.”

Luke held it softly between his fingers as he barely started to inhale. He got about halfway through his breath when he quickly pulled it out of his mouth and started coughing.

“Sor- sorry” Luke spit out as he kept coughing. Reid grabbed the joint from Luke laughing slightly. He didn’t want to make Luke feel bad.

“It happens to everyone.” Reid said as Luke continued to try and catch his breath. He knew that sometimes it didn’t work the first time people tried but since this was his last time, he wanted Luke to be there with him. “Well try a different approach.”

Reid brought the joint up to his lips and took in a long inhale. He pulled out but held the smoke it.

“Commere.” He said, setting the joint on an ashtray that he had found. He still had the smoke in his lungs. “Just breathe”

Luke moved closer to Reid and Reid pulled Luke in by the back of his neck. He kissed Luke and used his tongue to open Luke’s mouth. He started to blow the smoke into Luke’s mouth and he could feel Luke take it in. Once all the smoke was out of his lips, he held the kiss so that Luke couldn’t get rid of it. When he finally pulled away Luke was able to exhale and a long trail of smoke exited his mouth.

Luke sat back onto the couch, his back against the arm rest. His eyes were wide and he was just staring at Reid with such wonder and almost disbelief.

Reid gave a small laugh looking at Luke. He could see that Luke wanted to talk but probably couldn’t. It was pretty hilarious. Reid picked the joint back up and took another small hit.

Luke was sitting there. He felt so weird. It was like his body was floating in water but at the same time he wasn’t. He was thinking so slowly and when he tried to say something he knew that nothing would come out. Actually, all he really cared about was how hot Reid looked smoking.

After much mental preparation, Luke finally spoke.

“Do…it…again…” He said before laughing. He couldn’t believe how hard it was to say those three words.

“Just a little one.” Reid replied. He was relishing in the fact at how giggly Luke was.

Reid took another small hit and as he did so Luke mustered all his strength and sat up. He leaned into Reid and Reid connected their lips again before blowing the smoke into Luke’s mouth. Reid pulled away as Luke held in the smoke before slowly blowing it back out and into Reid’s face.

Reid licked the end of the joint and put it out before setting it onto the ashtray. He looked over at Luke whose eyes were heavy.



“Nothing.” Luke laughed.

Reid smiled. He loved how giddy Luke was and he was staring at him with his big puppy dog eyes.

“Tell me.”

“Casey told me…” he couldn’t even finished his sentence before he started laughing again which caused Reid to laugh with him.

“Just say it Luke!”

“Casey told me…” Luke started laughing again, and it took him almost a full minute to calm down. “Casey told me sex is amazing.”

Reid laughed. He was sure that wasn’t what Casey had really said but Luke was trying to hard to say it he couldn’t help but laugh at his poor boyfriend (who looked fucking adorable laughing at himself).

Luke’s eyes felt like they were being weighed down by bags of sand and he was trying everything in his power to keep them open, and act like a normal human being but doing that was tough. Everything he thought he was about to say sounded like the funniest thing in the world and Reid was just staring at him. He could understood how Reid did this all the time back in college. It totally cleared his mind of anything that was bothering him.

Reid was loving watching Luke. He looked so damn good and that was really all he could think about. He wanted to know if Luke could get it together enough to take it to the bedroom before it wore off.

Reid playfully slapped Luke’s leg and got him to pop his head up.


It was all Reid needed to say before Luke was off the couch as if it was on fire.
Luke was already on the bed when Reid got in there. Reid couldn’t help but notice how cute Luke looked. He felt as if he was in college again, and he liked it… a lot. It was nice to escape the pressures of everyday life.

“Reidddd” Luke whined before setting off a fit of laughter.

Reid climbed on top of the bed and on top of Luke and kissed him to get him to stop laughing, which Luke quickly gave into.

Luke was on cloud nine. Reid’s lips felt amazing on him, they were soft and wet and everything about it felt so good. Every place that Reid touched felt like something he had never felt before and all he knew was that it felt amazing.

Reid quickly flipped Luke over so that Luke was on top of him, resting on his body as they continued to make out. Reid ran his hand up Luke’s back and he could feel Luke shudder above him. Luke was kissing him very slowly, but he knew that was probably the fastest Luke could move right now (or think for that matter) but he didn’t care, it felt so good. It had been awhile since he had sex while stoned and he was excited at just the thought it of.

Since the moment that Luke had attached his lips the Reid’s he felt like he had barely taken a breath. Which was mostly true, he never wanted to disconnect the kiss, it just felt so amazing. It wasn’t until Reid started to push his shirt up further and further up his back did he muster the strength to sit up and tear it off over his head. While he was doing that, Reid was able to get his off as well.

Luke immediately reconnected the kiss, this time, their hot chests against one another and he could feel how slowly, yet steady Reid’s breathing was. Everything he normally felt when he was with Reid was intensified to the nth degree. Why hadn’t Casey told this to him sooner?

Luke felt Reid push his body up into his and he felt how hard he was. It was then he noticed how fucking hard he was as well and how amazing it felt every time Reid pushed into his erection. His body felt like goo as Reid continued to pushed up against him.

Reid could feel how hard Luke was and Luke could only let out thoaty moans into their kiss as a response every time he pushed up against him. He knew that Luke was loving this and every sensation in his body was hypersensitive to his touch.

Since Luke was practically mush against his body, it was easy for Reid to flip Luke onto his back. He broke away from the kiss and looked down at Luke who could barely keep his eyes opened. Luke’s hand immediately went down to his hard cock and he started to palm himself over his sweatpants. Luke couldn’t stop himself from moaning and it was such a turn on for Reid. He noticed that Luke was barely even touching himself.

Reid got off the bed and stumbled over to the bedside table. He grabbed some lube and got back over to Luke as fast as he could.

Luke was absolutely lost at this point. He was feeling everything around him. Everything just felt so good. He was so hard yet he was barely touching himself, over his pants none the less and it was one of the best feelings in the world. He couldn’t even speak but he could hear himself moaning so loudly, he couldn’t even stop himself, it just felt so good.

Luke felt as Reid got back onto the bed. He stopped touching himself long enough to slide his sweatpants down off his ass, but that was only as far as he could get before he instantly brought his hand up to his cock and started to touch himself again.

Reid thought for a moment that maybe he didn’t even need to have sex, he could just watch Luke. The noises that Luke was making were nothing that Reid had ever heard before, plus it was beyond sexy watching Luke jerk himself off.

But the he remembered how good it felt. He knew that Luke was hypersensitive right now because it was his first time doing it high, and he was bit more composed that Luke because he had done this so many times in the past. He needed Luke. Right. Now.

Luke had almost forgotten that Reid was there until he felt his sweatpants get ripped off. He stopped touching himself as he felt Reid grab his thighs and pull him closer.

“Fuck!” Luke let out. Just Reid touching his thighs made him almost come right then and there. Luke started laughing he felt like a virgin all over again.

Reid had pushed his sweatpants down as he watched Luke below him. He looked so sexy just trying to keep his eyes open. He brushed his hand along Luke’s inner thigh and Luke let out a loud moan. This was going to be amazing, he thought to himself.

“Ohhh godddddddd” Luke let out. He couldn’t even control what he was saying anymore, all he knew was that he wanted Reid inside him. Right. Now.

Reid continued to run his fingers and hands down Luke’s thighs just to hear him moan. It was beyond sexy. Finally, he gave into his own body telling him what he needed and he picked up both of Luke’s legs and he brought them over his shoulders. He opened the tube of lube and quickly squeezed some on a couple of his fingers. Luke loved getting teased and he knew that this would drive him crazy with pleasure.

Luke was on his back and he was trying so hard not to touch himself even though it felt so good. He just wanted to feel Reid so badly. He was also trying to keep his eyes open but they felt like lead. He could see Reid and it looked like he had a glow around him. He laughed at the thought of Reid being an angel because Reid was no angel.

“HOLY FUCK!” Luke let out as Reid barely ran a finger across his entrance. “Ohh godddd” He let out again as Reid barely pushed one finger inside of him. “ohhhh….ohhhh” He couldn’t keep his mouth shut it felt so good.

Luke was seeing stars. Honestly, he thought that he was seeing stars fall from the sky and into their room and onto the bed.

Reid slowly pushed another finger in and started to move back and forth as Luke let out a slur of moans and profanities. He continued for a while just listening to Luke before he couldn’t take it any longer. He removed his fingers and quickly coated his cock with lube.

He didn’t give Luke any warning when he pushed deep inside him.

“Fuckkk” Reid gasped as he pushed into Luke. Luke felt fucking hot and tight and amazing.

“Ohhhh godddd” Luke let out as Reid slowly pulled back before thrusting back it. It was like nothing he had ever felt before. He couldn’t even explain the sensations he was feeling and the only outlet for his pleasure was in loud moans.

Reid could not get enough of Luke moaning at every small touch. Luke was loud in bed, but tonight he was taking it to a whole different level and he loved it.

Luke thought he was going to explode. His body was practically shaking under the extreme pleasure. Reid felt so fucking good. If he could have verbalized it, he would have told himself. Instead, it came out as one loud “ohhhhh”.

Reid started to pick up the pace. It was incredible how tight Luke felt around him and how hot their bodies were. He knew he wouldn’t last long, he never did when he was stoned and he new that Luke was about to burst any second.

Reid really started to move faster and Luke wouldn’t not shut up which was a sign that he was hitting Luke’s spot and that Luke was almost ready as well. Reid barely got a hand to Luke’s cock and gave it only about two strokes before Luke had come all over his hand.

“Ohh fuckkkk” Luke let out as he came. “Reidd”

Hearing his name sent him over the edge and he came deep inside Luke. He felt Luke’s body shake as he rode out his orgasm and he was still deep inside Luke feeling him tighten around him. It felt fucking unbelievable.

Reid pulled out of Luke and laid down next to him. He pulled at Luke’s shoulder to get him to face him.

Luke finally came out and turned to face Reid, kissing him. Reid still had a soft glow around him. Everything still felt amazing, even the light wind caused by the ceiling fan hitting his damp skin felt like heaven. Casey was right. Sex was fucking out of this world. He honestly felt that every sensor in his body had been feeling the exact same pleasure at the same time.

Reid was just staring at Luke. This was the perfect way to hang up his smoking hat.


“Yeah Luke.”

“I’m so fucking hungry!”

Luke started laughing hysterically which Reid couldn’t help but join in. The whole situation was pretty hilarious. Reid was never a giggily high but Luke made him laugh so much.

Reid was able to gain his composure much faster than Luke and got off the bed and threw him his sweatpants before pulling up his as well. It took Luke awhile to get into them and Reid just watched and laughed as Luke struggled. It was fucking cute as hell.

“Make me food!” Luke demanded as he finally got his sweatpants on.

Reid laughed as Luke followed him like a dog into the kitchen. Luke’s tongue was practically hanging out of his mouth as he sat down at the island. He was using all his strength to keep his eyes open so he could watch Reid. His stomach growled, he was so hungry.



He watched as Reid had pulled out all the materials for a hearty sandwich.

“I think now you will understand the art that is making sandwiches.”

Luke just laughed as he watched Reid make two ridiculously huge mouth-watering sandwiches. He also reminded himself to thank Casey for his inquiring mind. That was if he remembered in the morning.

rating: nc-17, !author|artist: hugocabret, fan fiction

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